OT/prayer request for continued Healing or How Mz jojo screwed up Thanksgiving

on 12/3/09 8:38 am - bartlesville, OK
Hey BAF....I jus got home from the horsh-pitiful-pal. Here the da sad tale bout how mz jojo done screwed up folks thanksgiving.

Last Tuesday was the Bishop's berf day. The saints asked me to go "ole skool.".......Translation....... so I cleaned and cooked 15 lbs of "already cleaned chitterlings" 3 lbs of hog maws, Cullid greens, beef sausages in BBQ sauce and a punkin pie ...whew.....I helped set up "da fellows in the ship hall", served the saints, cut and served the cake, cleaned up and went home.
Got up Thanksgiving morning drove 3 1/2 hours to the dinner I was invited to.
Welllllllllllllllll......(organ music starts to riff....) around 4:15 my stomach starts to feel a lil queasy. So I am thinking Hmmm...berfday cake, chitlins, maws, then thanksgiving dressing, etc...uh oh I think I found the limits of my DS. I go to the peoples bathroom ,check and see thay got the good spray and proceed to set......an nothing comes out.so i go back in the living room and act like all is well. I keep feeling this crampy feeling but it is still tolerable. About an hour later I know it is close to time to do the 3 1/2 hours back home.  The stretch of highway is notorious for no and I do mean NOOOO rest stations for 30-50 miles at a time. since it has turned cold and the image of me trying to poop in some kansas farmers field is not attractive i decide to try the bathroom one more 'gain. Family...I sat on that stool and this pain grabbed me from somewhere I did not even know existed. I got back in the room and asked my son to take me to the ER. WELLLL...can you say perforated Bowel?? belly full of infection??? I had developed a hernia and the bowel had gotten wedged in it and kinked and burst. I know I was in trouble when hey started snatching off my clothes and asking when was the last time I had ate or drank.
(Sermonic Pause)  BAF FAMILY>>>> Who comes walkng in?  The surgeon who had done my DS 9 months earlier 450 miles away in another state!!!!!!! He had left his practice and moved to this state and was the surgeon on call that night. Can the Church say.... GOD is GOOD...and all the time!!!! He looked at me ....talking bout...what chu doin here? I had to stop dying long enough to laugh and ask him the same question. I will say this... a peace settled in over me and I knew I was gonna be alright.I was in surgery 1030pm Thanksgiving night until 2:30 AM. They removed another inch of my Intestine so i got a 99 cm common channel LOL So I have been in the hospital since then. They removed the staples today and the wound is dry and clean. I am still on pain meds..it hurrrrts!!! I finally passed gas wed and i passed stool today so the stuff is back up and workin. Can you imagine? He said it had to have been going on for a while. I was heading toward Peritonitis. The surgeon kept asking me how was I tolerating the pain. I could not explain that you don't clean 15 lbs of "already kleen chitlins " while in pain. Go figure. Anyway keep me in prayer. I did not weigh myself. I am big swoll from the surgery so I know I have gained. sigh...I am thinking my options for Chris mus dinner are gonna be limited after this gets around. Pray for a sista BAF
Mz jojo
who screwed up thanksgiving for the nice peoples who had pity on me to invite m ovah



on 12/3/09 9:00 am

Will keep you uplifted in prayer girl.  But, the saints are what turned me off of chitluns.   7 years old & my mama & some the church mothers on the pastorial board are cleanin 3 tubs full of them nasty things for the pastor anniversary.  House & yard stunk for more than a week.  Can't remember if I ever ate them before, but couldn't pay me enough to them since!

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/09 9:35 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Well....I have been know to down some chittlins once upon a time...had a taste earlier in the year....none since. Really trying my best to put down the pork.  I do miss them but just felt as though my arteries were clogging the last time had some.

I am so happy to hear that things turned out well for you despite the unforeseen nature of your illness. I will pray for your speedy and full recovery. Peace to you Mz Jojo!   
on 12/3/09 10:34 am - Pearland, TX
That does sound serious.... continued prayers for your complete healing....
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/09 8:55 pm
 @ I go to the peoples bathroom ,check and see thay got the good spray and proceed to set......an nothing comes out.

Don't ya just hate when that happens?  After all that prep-work and you still weren't able to execute your move? I would've been mad and upset.

So sorry to hear about your situation, but it's truly great that you were able to get the help that you really needed when you actually needed it.  Oh yeah...  In the future please stay away from those "swine laden by-products" and those "not-so heavenly hog-made" delicacies.  They are not good for anybody.   Feel better and take care of yourself.
So Blessed!
on 12/4/09 12:05 am

That's some scary sounding stuff.  I'm glad you're better. 

on 12/4/09 1:02 am - Mesa, AZ
How much does God love His children!!  Girl you are already healed in the name of Jesus.  By His blood and by His stripes, you are healed.  I will continue to lift you sweetheart.  But I must point out ( what I know to you is obvious, but may not be to others reading this) God may not prevent bad things from happening, the Bible tells us we are guaranteed trails and tribulations and I can assure you He doesn't cause them to happen, BUT when they happen HE provides a way, some way to get us over it, past it, through it.  He made sure that the night that this happened to you,  your surgeon was on board and ready for you. God is soo good and He gets all the Glory and Praise.  I'm so glad you are still with us to testify, thanksgiving me damned girl.  You are far most important. 

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

mrs. neenaj
on 12/4/09 3:26 am
Mz Jojo, God knew you had too much to do on earth so it wasn't your time. I'm glad you shared your story so that we can learn the signs. I don't do pork and even when I did, I couldn't even stomach those chitterlings. My hubby loves to go to my parents' house for Christmas because they always have them and anything else pork. Take your time and rest so you cane heal.
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