
XPost - Dissapointing Starbucks moment.....

on 12/1/09 9:09 pm
ARRRGGGHHHHHH - I am so PISSED!!!!  Had another issue at Starbucks this weekend - and HAD to write another manifesto to Buck's corporate........

To Whom It May Concern:


I have written letters before regarding incidents I’ve had while at various locations and I must say that since a letter I wrote in February of this year, there’s really been no issue whatsoever.  I am a regular Starbucks customer and have been for several years, I only buy Starbucks brand coffee beans at the store, and brew my coffee at home – this year I invested in a French Press (purchased in store) and I absolutely love it! 


I also regularly purchase drinks as well and have maintained a registered Gift Card for quite some time.  I do this because I enjoy the perks of the Starbucks Reward Program.  Because I buy the coffee beans so regularly, I like the free tall beverage that’s a part of the program.  However – I’ve encountered problems with employees a few times regarding this because they didn’t know the details of the program.  There is one location in particular that I’ve had several issues – below I am pasting the excerpt from my February letter regarding this location here in Houston, Texas:


I-45 & Monroe

- I registered a previous complaint about an employee not understanding one of your promotions.  When I went to redeem the coupon sent to me by your Customer Relations line – I got attitude.  I was also told that the Mint for the Mint Mocha Light Frap that I wanted was no longer available.  I have ordered that exact same drink at other stores since then.


Since then, I’ve visited this location several times, because it’s near my home.  This past Sunday I had the worst experience to date with regard to the Rewards Program as well as with one of your employees. 


When I made my purchase, I started telling the lady (Suzanne or Susan) what my choice was for the free tall beverage.  She told me “they discontinued that offer".  I told her it’s a part of the rewards program and she looked at the register screen and told me “It would tell me if there was supposed to be something and there’s not".  She then proceeded to explain the beverage offer would print out on the receipt if it were still offered.  I tried to explain to her that the free tall beverage on the receipt was a separate, non Rewards program promotion that had, indeed, ended – but it had nothing to do with the Rewards program.  She then told me that the Rewards program doesn’t start until 2010.  I asked her if she had a computer with access to view Starbucks.com – she said they didn’t have one in the store that could.  I asked if I could speak to the manager, she told me she was the manager, and that she’s new. 


I took the beans I’d purchased and left – my daughter in tow, the free drink is always hers to have, so she was disappointed. 


When I got home, I decided to use another Rewards perk – the 2 hr Wi Fi access.  I took my laptop from home and returned to the store.  I logged on and pulled up Starbucks.com and asked one of the employees who’d previously witnessed the exchange with the manager to come read and review the information.  They all said they were unaware and that I was, indeed, right.  One of the guys apologized and asked for my drink request and he made the drink.  I then asked if they could let the manager know I would like to speak with her – she was seated outside with someone when I returned, and I didn’t want to interrupt.  The employee went out and spoke with the manager, returned inside and told me she’d said I was welcome to come outside to talk to her. 


At this point I am not only frustrated at another issue occurring regarding this program, but now I am insulted that after I took the time to return with my computer to support my claim and I have in no way been mean, abusive or rude – she did even take the time and effort to simply step back into the store to speak with me.  I carried my laptop outside to speak with her and she again explained that she’s new and that the 2010 program will consolidate all the current ones – I let her know I already knew that, I’d received the email about it and reviewed it on the website already.  I tried to address her fervent rebuttal of my explanation of the program to start with – she was dismissive. 


I can only conclude that this location is not one I should continue to visit.  There is another one at 45 and Gulfgate in the area – I will just have to commit to only using that one if I am near my home.  Mistakes are one thing, poor customer service is another.  However – this incident tells me that #1 – there’s little to no customer service/product/knowledge training or expectation at this location and #2 – the manager’s handling of this situation and the fact that all the employees on staff at the time saw and watched her treatment of me says that I can expect the same or worse treatment in the future. 


I am still a loyal Starbucks customer – I’ve tried to find another brand I’d care to drink and just can’t break the habit!  And I will also continue using my registered gift card(s) – I like the program too much.  But my experience Sunday was very disappointing, one of the hallmarks of Starbucks over the years has been its exceptional customer service experience and how well employees treat customers – unfortunately, I can honestly say there are few times I’ve been treated worse as a customer than I was this past Sunday. 


Disappointed but still loyal Starbucks customer and fan,

Now - Imma tell you that when I told my mom what happened - her FIRST question was "Was it a WHITE lady?".......... wait for it...... wait for it........

YEP!!!  Just so happens she WAS white - so this whole incident got turned into a confirmation that the "lunch counter" days are not over!  ???????  And that had I NOT been Black - I would have had my free drink..........

Damn - and I just thought the chick was a freakin jackass who has no idea how to handle customer issues cause she has no damn training!!!!  Who knew there was 50 years of ingrained culture prejudice, hatred and sheer will to be unfair and hurtful to Blacks at every possible chance????  Oh lawd - my mama plays the Racial Discrimination version of "Where's Waldo" with EVERYTHING!!!!!!  I might just start lying and saying everyone's Black when **** happens to see what she says then...........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

MSW will not settle
on 12/1/09 9:33 pm
I've found the 'great customer service' od Starbucks to be a myth.  Rarely do I go there.  I'll take a coffee at Dunkin Donuts first. 

Gotta luv Mom though!  You'll never forget history with her there to remind you,

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 12/1/09 9:46 pm
That can be very frustrating.    IIt could be racism, lack of training, poor customer service skills or all of the above.  Regardless, there's no excuse for it & I don't tolerate it.

I would make a call to corporate as well or to the franchise owner.  However, that "i'm new" or "i'm not aware of this promotion" excuses don't cut it w/me.  Next time you get static about any type of promotion anywhere, demand that they call the store manager right then & there!  Have them clarify if they are the manager on duty or the store manager.  If they claim that they're the store manager then have them call the  regional manager.   You can also have them call another store that you know is honoring the promotions for confirmation as well.

Also generally these food retailers have their own website to go to that they can verify various programs/promotions as well.  In addition ask for the general/regional manager's info so that you can have it on hand & advise that you will be speaking to him/her regarding the incident(s).  This usually always lights a fire under their butt.    Oh & make sure you ask them for their complete name & verify their position, so that you can report it correctly to managament.

on 12/1/09 10:38 pm

Chile - I know Starbucks like the back of my hand!  I got the whole thing on lock, trust and believe. 

I feel you on the name thing - I shoulda wrote it down I usually remember things like that well but I was so mad!!!!  LOL


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/09 10:18 pm
 @ my mama plays the Racial Discrimination version of "Where's Waldo" with EVERYTHING!!!!!! 

I know you and I will probably come to verbal blows over this one but I agree with your mom in this case.  If you were not black, then that situation wouldn't have quite gone down like that.  But hey it's all good, Yo.  Keep on staging those sit-ins at those lunch counters all across "texts", Mr. and Mrs. Cholly are bound to be nice to you one day. 
on 12/1/09 10:36 pm
Verbal blows?  me an u?  nah - luv you like a play cuz!!!

And after she mentioned it - I did see where she was coming from, but I also know how race based complaints can be viewed as 'unfounded' in instances like this - so I chose to focus on the customer serivce issue of it and leave race out. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/09 10:54 pm
Good thing you left the race portion out of it.  Nobody would even listen to you if you had included it.

Not everything is race-based, I agree with you on that, but when you're always on the "colored" end of the stick all the time it does tend to blur your view as to what's just **** poor customer service verses a ****ty attitude due to a chip being on someone's shoulder because you're black. 
on 12/1/09 11:12 pm
I feel you, cuz.  I really didn't get the impression it was race based - I've had those moments too and I know the 'vibe' if you know what i mean. 

the chick is just a bad cust service manager - but everybody in that store I've had a problem with has had the same dismissive attitude - I think it's the owner or something else very specific to that location.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 12/1/09 11:12 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Well....I applaud you for taking the time to write the letter. I am sure there are folks that have come and gone without saying a word. I believe that people do need to be held accountable for poor customer service and applauded for good.....hell...they forget...our money is what pay their salaries.

I say the same thing for here. The way that the financial aid reps speaks to some of the students makes me want to barf. I am thinking all the while...not only does their tuition pay your salary BUT you are just ASKING for a repeat of Virginia Tech up in here. You would think that more folks would take the News stories of late just a little more seriously. Treat people how you want to be treated. 

Different day...different person and she might have had the Starbucks Sign shoved up her arse.    
on 12/1/09 11:15 pm
  And I had put on my 'Becky' voice with that ho too!  That's what REALLY pissed me off!  I made the effort to speak her 'language' and she's still rude????!!!!!  ARRGGGHHHH!!!!

And you right - another day - she MIGHT have had to talk to Trinaye - but I had babygirl with me, so I knew I had to be an example...... had i been alone.... who knows????

Hell yall know - cause if I will cuss a nicca in the club - you KNOW cussin that heffa out wouldna been NO THANG!!!! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

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