Questions with clarification


Oh and let me add...I can't speak for all veterans, but HONESTLY I want to biotch slap some folks through the computer when they are eating bread and crackers at 2 weeks out and then get pissed when you tell them it isn't a good idea. Or the ones who are so worried about maintaining their "curves' IE boobs and booty, they throw all damn caution out the window and start eating ****ty food again before they are even out a year. If they only knew. But ya can't fix stupid.
Long time BAF peeps will share anything you ask about without all the bull**** flaming and arguing on the other boards. They've got a mutual admiration society going on on each OH board. Hold the board's gods in reverence and beware should you disagree on anything.
I still post elsewhere cause I don't give a rats ass about being popular. However, why must the flamers be told to just take what info they want and discard the rest over and over? By now these so called vets should have learned enough to know that the same thing does not work well for every body. No such ignorance here on the BAF. At least not in my expierence.
The topics may not be strictly about the basics but I have been learning the ropes through these off the wall topics. The basics here got me through my newbie phase into my 'tweens'. When I hit maintenance BAF will keep me on track too.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
I need to find a way to keep the motivation going so that I can get to my goals.
Im at a wall right now but Im getting "mentally ready" to climb that sucker and overcome.

In life, and especially on this journey there are sure to be days when you falter and give in.......just remember to never give up.
I know I am wrong because I should be contributing more because maybe someone can learn from my mistakes...(oh there have been plenty, and will be more) but I just want to thank you all for your stories, lessons, banter, and genuine concern for others.
It is not just you I feel it is both types of people on the board. I know for a fact I am very much interested in weight loss and healthy behaviors. People will generally only respond to certain people when threads are started so that is discouraging at times.
Is everyone doing their own thing and keeping it on the low?
I can only speak for myself I am doing my thang with the help I have recieved from others who are going through the same struggle.
Hang in there, Sis! Help is on the way!

for *me*, life sometimes gets in the way of my weight loss and healthy behavior. I'm 8 years out and don't really have that "newbie" pouch anymore so I do struggle with weight gain/loss a lot. It gets very easy to get comfortable so I have to work extra hard to loose 10-20 pounds because it don't just fall off anymore.
I got on the scales on Monday (after Thanksgiving) and discovered that I have gained 10 pounds so right now I am doing a mixture of Protein Train, Smash Diet, Diet pills....everything to get it off. Those scales were an eyeopener for me.
I have friends who had surgery back when I did and now it is the furthest thing from their mind....they say they've "moved on".
My main problem now is that WORK has me tied down and I can't get on like I used to. By the time I get home at night, most posts are old and folks have already given the same response I would have given.