Do you ever forget that you are no longer PLUS sized?
Hello All:
This weekend I constantly took items in the dressing room that were too large for me! It feels like I am in denial that I no longer wear the larger size, I did it so many times in one store that I was kind of embarrassed.
I have not reached goal.....but I don't think my mind not has caught up with my body...does this ever happen to you? Pleeese tell me I'm not psycho (LOL)
Change is a Process Not an Event

""Whatever you feed will grow...feed your spirit man"
It's taken YEARS for me to get used to and 'auto program' my head for my body as it is today. And only recently have I started wearing things that flatter my shape on a consistent basis. Only a couple months ago did I start wear my shirts TUCKED IN and with a belt!
so - you're not alone - but do keep a rule on using the dressing room - it will help you condition yourself to pick things out better. I made it a rule of mine for a while - i wouldn't buy anything if I hadn't tried it on first.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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Well now I try everything on, like you I realized that I was wearing sizes that did not flatter me and when I wear my correct size people think I've lost additional weight. I know what size I wear but when I select clothes to try on my head says yo fat azz can't fit in that.... git that one over der:)
Change is a Process Not an Event

Now I can never be certain. I end up with a fitting room of clothing ranging from 6 through 12. I hold up clothes I just tried on and can hardly believe they actually fit me. My head has not yest caught up. I still look larger than life to myself. Still, I'm love'n the smaller sizes evn though I feel big.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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