OT - Maaaann... Fugg da stripper "Pole" Train awards...
(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 9:58 pm, edited 11/29/09 10:07 pm
on 11/29/09 9:58 pm, edited 11/29/09 10:07 pm
Ayy yo,
In my honest and most humble opinion last night's airing of the Soul Train awards is the best example I can give at to why I don'****ch Black award shows anymore and why I wouldn't let my children watch them as well. Atleast three songs on the program were sung about sex - not alluding to "it" or hinting at "it" but directly about what goes on when two people have sex and of course how good the singer is at it.
What?! Ya boy, Double_Ayy is now a prude?
Never dat, pimpin! Never dat. But let's keep it real folks...
One so-called "performance" was filled with all the pumpin', gyratin', and thrustin' that should've been saved for the Go-Go bars. All of that and the chick still couldn't sing! I know, I know... XES indeed sells but after seeing all of that last night is there any we wonder why America still has no respect for Blacks and see us as horny animalistic *****es and hoes. (SMDH)
I'm deeply disappointed.
Don Cornelius is probably still cussing Debra Lee and Bob Johnson out right now. Holla atcha boy...
In my honest and most humble opinion last night's airing of the Soul Train awards is the best example I can give at to why I don'****ch Black award shows anymore and why I wouldn't let my children watch them as well. Atleast three songs on the program were sung about sex - not alluding to "it" or hinting at "it" but directly about what goes on when two people have sex and of course how good the singer is at it.

What?! Ya boy, Double_Ayy is now a prude?

One so-called "performance" was filled with all the pumpin', gyratin', and thrustin' that should've been saved for the Go-Go bars. All of that and the chick still couldn't sing! I know, I know... XES indeed sells but after seeing all of that last night is there any we wonder why America still has no respect for Blacks and see us as horny animalistic *****es and hoes. (SMDH)
I'm deeply disappointed.

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 10:29 pm, edited 11/29/09 10:38 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
on 11/29/09 10:29 pm, edited 11/29/09 10:38 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
Yes, I watched it. Had high hopes since two of my favorite actors were hosting it....but alas... I was disapointed for sure. Even fell asleep on the last portion of it. The only part I thought was good was Beyonce accepting her award from Russia!....that part was pretty funny!
ETA: When I posted my reminder...I was into the first 10 minutes....it went down hill from there! The little skit with Terrence crying at everything was funny too.
ETA: When I posted my reminder...I was into the first 10 minutes....it went down hill from there! The little skit with Terrence crying at everything was funny too.

(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 10:37 pm
on 11/29/09 10:37 pm

See... In my opinion therein lies another problem.

Yeah...I was just focused on the fact that I like BOTH Terrence and Taraji.....thought the chemistry would work....it wasn't enough to pull it off.
I agree...with the sexual overtone and "off the wall" humor.....If Michael Jackson himself came out on stage....it would have not been enough to save this show.
Back to my BET abstinence!
I agree...with the sexual overtone and "off the wall" humor.....If Michael Jackson himself came out on stage....it would have not been enough to save this show.
Back to my BET abstinence!
TOTAL buffoonery!!!! No WONDER white folks have a hard time taking us seriously!!!!!
What WHITE awards show does chit like that???? NONE!!!!!
I only turned to it when I saw MD's reminder- wish I had stayed blissfully ignant that it was even on!!!
What WHITE awards show does chit like that???? NONE!!!!!
I only turned to it when I saw MD's reminder- wish I had stayed blissfully ignant that it was even on!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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