Party Crashers at Pres. Obama's State Dinner

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 7:03 pm, edited 11/27/09 7:49 pm - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
This photo released by the White House Nov. 27, 2009, shows ...

This is a dayum shame. The Secret Service should be truly embarrassed for letting unscreened and unidentified people that close to our President. I mean if she was an assassin...all she would have had to do was swing that stringy azz hair around his neck. You think she would have at least put in up in a bun or something to look the part.... She gets a F- for the hairdo alone....not even going to comment on the dress but Salvation Army (the uniform) comes to mind. Then have the audacity to brag about it on FB!  

I bet they wouldn't have let an unscreened man named Heineken  (yes, I heard one of us named our child that) or woman named Toyonisha that close to him even if they had a security clearance, full body cavity search and personal  invitations signed by each of the Obama's themselves....along with Bo's paw print.

Ya'll this really makes me nervous for real. Heyl we all know that there are people out there that want him dead. I think he needs to hire more of our folks onto his Secret Service Crew cause we are more adept at spotting freeloading folks. Excerpt from one of our events (pointing finger and whispering out the side of the mouth) " Uncle Bootsie......who is that man in the matching red Fedora and gators standing next to that woman in the black dress with the Beyonce hairdo?" LOL! We don't let shioot passed us.

Watch your back Pres!
Meso Thin
on 11/27/09 8:12 pm

I was thinking the same thing MD.

How far could they have gotten if they didn't look the part?

You know if the hair wasn't blonde or the skin

was brown how far would they have gotten?

Futhermore, they would be arrested NOW .... not trying

to figure out if a crime was actually committed.  It would not

be deemed a prank it would be a CRIME if the couple came from

chocolate America!! 
Meso Thin
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 3:05 am, edited 11/28/09 3:52 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA

I know Meso.....I am so P.O.'d at the  gall of that couple. Doing it just because they KNEW they could probably get away with it. Even more insane is the fact that they have gained instant celebrity and will more than likely earn $$$$. On the other hand if it was one of us...the only thing we could possibly earn is time served for good behavior.

Ms. Praise
on 11/27/09 10:36 pm - MD
Hey M.D., this entire situation has sickened me and let me know that our President and first family aren't really protected.  I feel the entire secret service that was on staff that night should be fired because its obvious their not taking their job seriously were President Obama and family are concerned.  Have you ever heard of any other presidency this has happened too and if so the "couple" would've been arrested by this let's me know that the Secret Service truly is not taking President Obama and family seriously where security is concerned.

President Obama truly need to watch his back because those in place to "protect" him surely are not.
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 3:14 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I agree Ms.Praise.... a message needs to be sent that the President's safety is not to be taken lightly and they need to do their JOBs by following protocol. If not fired, they need to be given time off without pay and new assignments not involving the President's security.  The fact that they are just operating all willy nilly leaves too many holes for security breaches. Believe me....FOLKS out there are taking notes....and we know they don't mind trying "stuff" just to see how far they can get. 
So Blessed!
on 11/30/09 4:04 am

I totally agree. 

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 11:07 pm
I've been following htis-its a damn shame!  Lets us know how truly safe our president and his family are.  SMDH!
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 3:15 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I just can't help being scared for them. I say a prayer for them regularly that they make it through unharmed.
on 11/28/09 1:32 am
ok - is it some bull****  yep.

could anyone *****ALLY intended to do some **** have made it thru?  comeon!!!

Mr. Abdulla - stopped at the door.  and DROPPED dead if he started to say ANYTHING close to Alluuu Acckbar.....

Mr. White supremist - umm - naw - stopped at the door too - that crewcut and tatt on the neck ain't look kosher

And unless there's a REAL Charlie's Angel out there - Ms. SnowBunny ain't bout to do ****!  Unless she got a pack of cigars and no draws on - the pres is aiight......

Now - we ALL know the Secret Service ain't bout **** for the BLACK pres - let Bootsie the waiter had tried to let cuz RayRay make some extra $ and snuck him in as a DISHWASHER in the back - Ray woulda been singin the "I'm locked up - they won't let me out"........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 3:28 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
 she got a pack of cigars and no draws on - the pres is aiight......

BUT I bet Michelle would have her leaving there with that cigar stuffed up her arse!!!

I sure hope you are right Mack Mama..... I just hate that broad and dude got that close to our President without a special invitation. Heyl....all I can do is dream about  a day like that.

For real....something like that  just gives folks another reason to make a mockery of his Presidency.  

I sure hope they are watching those secret service agents like a hawk too. 
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