Stupid Childhood Shiot

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 8:07 am
Gurrllllllllllllllllll I had the ragdoll!!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 8:08 am, edited 11/27/09 8:10 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
I did too.... Flip was the

Flip Wilson Doll

Geraldine Doll

Soul Flower
on 11/27/09 8:34 am
Me too, I also had the Redd Foxx doll.
Tha Pinkster T.
on 11/27/09 9:41 am
As a teenager, when my friends and I got to a red car light we would run out the car and run around the car 3x to beat the light and whoever was by the drivers' side by the time the light turned green that person would drive.

As a kid, trade my five dollars for my little sister's ten dollars.

My older brother stole a pie from the neighbor's kitchen window and paid my brother 25 cents to take tbe blame. He got his ass whooped.

My sister gave her neighbor's son when she was a kid herself a plant to eat and told him it was food. It was a bitter herb. She said she couldn't stand him cause he was too greedy.

Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 11:11 am

LMAOOOOO (((((((((((((((((((((((((Pinkie Winkie)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) what up ma??

I have neva heard of the red light thang....BET my black arse try that shiot this weekend!!

on 11/27/09 10:45 am - IL
1. Dip a finger in rubbing alcohol and set it on fire.

2. Play "store" behind the bar. We would sell Crown Royal and Canadian Club to each other.  

3. Pop our eyelids until they stay in place....real goofy

4. Make mayo sandwiches.

5. Make my Barbie doll "rub" on my cousin's Evil Knievel action figure.

6. Spray Afro Sheen on my Barbie's afro.


**Weight loss since June 08**


(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 11:14 am

<======flatline again!

bwahahhahhhhhhhhhh now why the **** would yawl set your finger on fire WTF??? bwahhahhhahhhhh....okay now that is some stoopid shiot

I made my girl barbie's "rub" up on each other....guess that is why I am gay....LMAOOOOO

no but for real though....yawl set yourselves on fire??? LMAOOOOOOOOO

on 11/27/09 11:32 am - IL
Instructions On How to Set One's Self on Fire

**Disclaimer - Don't try this at home kiddies**

1. Dip your finger in rubbing alcohol.
2. Quickly light using a lighter before the alcohol dries.
3. Blow our before the alcohol dries.

We never got burned...I know, some really crazy


**Weight loss since June 08**


Meso Thin
on 11/27/09 7:57 pm
Ok ...... this is waaaaay late but I gotta put in my 2 cents

(1)   I was 10, hooked up with friend whose mom dipped snuff,

        we went selling girl scout cookies.  I tried the snuff that ran all over

        my mouth instead of just in my lip.  It made me so DRUNK I fell off

        a lady's (who knew my folks) porch while making my sales pitch.  She knew 

        something was wrong with me and asked my grandma about it.

(2)   when I was maybe 11 or 12.....I tried wrapping dried crushed up leaves rolled in

        toilet tissue to make a cigarette ..... but when I lit it the flame blazed up and burned 

        off my eyelashes and some eyebrows.  How I thank God that it didn't do permanent 


(3)   When my mother wouldn't let me get my ears pierced at 13 yrs old I got very mad 

        and hacked off my nearly waist long hair down to shoulder length. Got scared and for 2 

        weeks wore my hair in little pig tail buns on each side until my mother finally noticed. She 

        said those buns look too small, take em down and let me see, where is Your Hair.  She 

        beatmy butt but not the killin I was expecting.  I got so many more but as my grandma use

        to say ....... "no need in you skinning my ignance"  any further!!!!!!!

Good post Ro Ro.

Meso Thin
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 5:52 am

bwahhhahhhhahhhhhhh at "no need in you skinning my ignance"

that right there is some serious shiot!! I'm gonna have to bite off grandma if you don't mind...LOVE IT!!!

Howeva I would have beat yo azz over that snuff thang!!

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