Stupid Childhood Shiot

As for play with kids.....the craziest thing I recall was playing "dare". We did some crazy shioot just because someone dared us! Like jumping down a flight of stairs, eating a nasty food sardines and peanut butter or holding a firecracker up until the split second its getting ready to pop! The last one hurts like fluck!

Its funny do these things now....but its all simulated on the dayum much for real life experience.

on 11/27/09 7:41 am, edited 11/27/09 7:42 am - Sweet Dreams lives in , PA
This unfortunately is the state of affairs of a lot of kids today :
Despite it all.....I am trying to raise mine to care about grandma but we did do some crazy stuff as kids for real! Glad I was able to make it up to her and she me before she died.
two thangs that I shall NEVA forget.
1. I snuck one of my fathers pall mall's and went into the bathroom to smoke it. I was 10, it was summertime and EVERYBODY was next door at our neighbors cookout. Thought I was safe. Need I say more

2. Mama had just finished barbecuing and I was in the backyard looking at the red hot coals in the grill. I grabbed this metal rod and started poking at the coals as if I was barbecuing. After getting bored with that, I thought hummm

Oh one more. When I was 8 I was in the backyard tryyyyying to dig to china chile'. Came upon some bones and just KNEW that they were dinosaur bones. I called the police and they came. While they were there my parents pulled up from grocery shopping petrified that something had happened to one of us. Can you say ass whuppin #934

I can go on and on but will stop here. I was a very inquisitive child like curious George and stayed in trouble.
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I don't even know where to start here....I'll start with this though.......the devil made you do the hell you come up with some shiot like that?! What would possibly make a child think that is the answer to get them outta trouble?? bwahahhahhhhhhhhhh dayummmm that shiot is hilarious!!
The coal story made me think about the time my son thought to suck up boiling hot dog juice in a pot with a straw....he spit it out on his sister gave her like 10 degree burns on her chest...LMAOOOOO that's why that girl is crazy to this day

The devil made me do it was a popular saying on the Flip Wilson show during those days. You don't remember Flip Wilson/Geraldine?
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