Stupid Childhood Shiot
Okay so Ree and I were having this conversation about the dumb shiot we use to do as a kid like, jump off rooftops and today don't do stuff like that anymore kinda sad....because we had FUN...climbing trees, riding big wheels, playing in mud etc
So anyway Ree tells me that they use to sniff sugar WTF??? She was saying that one kid did it and from there it became their me that was crazy as hell but funny too....she said it burned but they had fun doing it....LMAO
So the question today is:
What was the craziest thing you did playing around as a kid?
We would eat hot peppers out of my grandma's garden and try not be the first one to ge****er...if you did you lost the game.
Hoola Hoop around the neck contest...(that shiot hurt after awhile, lol). be a kid again!

literally trying to smoke grass (rolled in paper from a grocery bag)
competing to see who could jump to the landing from the highest step. That game lost its luster the day my most competitive brother met the ceiling part with his forehead.
knife throwing
microwaving boiled eggs once it was disovered they would explode
Childhood was great. Every time we get together we laugh our asses off over **** we did. The next generation aint gonna have **** to talk about. "hey, 'member that time I beat you on Madden?" WTF is that?
It is never too late to be what you might have been
~George Eliot
no but for real though yawl were some wreckless arse kids! I ain't neva heard of no right guard torches...WTF??? LMAOOOOOOOOO
We did the highest step thing too...oh oh oh and I just remembered we (well my uncle younger than me) chopped the head off my grandfathers chickens just to see if they would flap around....WE all got are azzes beat for that one
Alternating between pouring my dad's cologne into the plugged up sink, lighting a match & watching the blue flames
Rolling oregano in my dad's Bamboo paper & pretending to smoke weed. LOL
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
Nah,Ro, the weed came the beginning,it was just oregano. lol
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
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