5 Months Post Op Update
Well it's been 5 months since I had surgery, I can't believe how the time has flown by!! I just wanted to share some good new with you all. I went to my Endocrinologist last Friday to get my current lab results. My A1C has dropped to 6.3 & all areas of my cholesterol are in good range. I had to be honest with the Doctor & I had to tell her I stopped taking all my cholesterol meds 6 months a go. I wanted to see how I could do with out them. Well lucky for me my results were so good that my doctor took me off all meds except my Insulin which has been cut 3 times in the 5 months. I will see her in 4 months, she said my insurance might not let me go back since I am pretty much now in the normal range. I can't believe it! This was the greatest feeling!! She said with the weight loss (so far about 30 lbs) & the exercise I should be back on pills in no time for my diabetes. Thanks for reading & allowing me to share my good news with you! Please let me know how you all are doing.
Wishing you all a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving!!
Wishing you all a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving!!