What's shaking BAF

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

((( Kim))) I've been busy..but I do think about all of you...I've been blessed in so many ways I can't begin to count... My son told me why don't you say hi to the people in the Black Room, which is what he called it.. I said ok.. I'll do just that... I'll pop if from time to time.. Trying to get this house set out the way I want it to be ordering blinds and having an electrician come today to update my fuse box to a breaker box.. This house is much bigger than my old house..Getting colors the way I want them for each room.. Taking on a job of painting it this spring rt. now every room is white except the living room which is beige.. My living room is big enough for 2 sofa 2 loveseat and 2 chairs. and still have a lot of room. This one is a true challenge.. I have some awesome neighbors all of them are cool as hell.. My neighbor to the rt. his name is Kevin he cut down 2 of my trees in the backyard for free..This is one man that makes me laugh until I cry..He has ahhhh a mail order bride.. I can't understand one word she say except my name.. of which she manages to f that up.. Take care Kim..
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

Good to see you also.. I'll have to share with you my moving adventure, one day I swear I had the 3 stooges for sho. It was a nightmare from hell but by the end of the move everything is good.. It was a trip "mine eyes had seen the glory" that day for sure.. Happy Holidays Sue.
" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

I told you I would stop in once in a while...Still running around like a chicken with his head cut off.. Settling down somewhat.. Things are really going well for me.. I really like it here...

" I'm Motown's Finest and I approve this message"

Good to see your pretty face.. I made up my mind last night. while talking to my son, he was telling me what all I'm cooking for Thanksgiving.. He's in for a rude awakening...Know way in hell I'm cooking like I normally do.. He said he want's a cheesecake, 4 sweet potatoe pies and a peach cobbler.. I told him things have changed now that I'm going to the gym... So I hope he finds him someone that will hook him up with all his desserts, because I am not cooking all that. Although I use to.. So I told him to make a decision on the one dessert that he wants he said 2 sweet potato pies will be find.. I said that's better.. Much love Sis Marilyn.
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