I forgot!!!
Its the anniversary of my re-birth. I am so thankful for this day. My life changed 5 years ago and it has been a bumpy ride...I am no where near where I should have been but I cannot cry about that. I am not where I started.....I give GOD THE GLORY!!!!
Love Ya Pray for me! I continue the journey.....getting back on da horse!
Love Ya Pray for me! I continue the journey.....getting back on da horse!
happy birthday to you happy happy happy birthday may God bless you and continue to keep his countenance on you

Hello everyone, my surgery date is March the 18th. I'm having a RNY and i'm scared but excited. I would like to know how many people are schedueled for this date. I stay near Houston Texas. My Dr. is Dr. Gomez\ UTMB hospital. Someone PLEASE give me some pointers.