Is It Me??? I can't but feel that there is something more to this Shaniya story??
If I hear one more media person say "I feel so bad for the dad" I am gonna jump through the television set and yall will see me in one of those 4 split boxes
I'm on his ass like a detective, even DREAMIN bout the shyt...yall MARK MY WORDS daddy is IN THIS!
I bookmarked the local N. Carolina ABC station so that I can get the local stuff that the national news haven't reported and came across an interview that 2 men gave about the whole take. Gimme a sec so I can find it and post the link yall GOTS TA see this

I'm on his ass like a detective, even DREAMIN bout the shyt...yall MARK MY WORDS daddy is IN THIS!
I bookmarked the local N. Carolina ABC station so that I can get the local stuff that the national news haven't reported and came across an interview that 2 men gave about the whole take. Gimme a sec so I can find it and post the link yall GOTS TA see this

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Here it is here it IS! 252&rss=rss-wtvd-article-7123252 252&rss=rss-wtvd-article-7123252
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You couldn'****ch the video I posted? gurrrl you need to hear what those two men stated. Their words convinced me further. And did you check out Oprah's interview? She asked him if the custody agreement was legal?
My sister who is a protective service supervisor told me that them having a non-court agreed custody agreement may just save his behind. I am glad that the FBI got involved.
My sister who is a protective service supervisor told me that them having a non-court agreed custody agreement may just save his behind. I am glad that the FBI got involved.
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It's not just you. I was watching the dad and the aunt on Oprah last Friday and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Especially when they said that there had been cigarette burns on Shaniya and an "incident" where she "ran into" a kerosene lamp. Sigh!
Something just isn't right with this story. I don't know that the dad was in on her murder, but I don't think he was completely clueless to the allegations of prior abuse either.
I'm just not feeling this story, and there's something about his grief that feels very Hollywood and staged.
Something just isn't right with this story. I don't know that the dad was in on her murder, but I don't think he was completely clueless to the allegations of prior abuse either.
I'm just not feeling this story, and there's something about his grief that feels very Hollywood and staged.
No, it's not the usual conspiracy theory folk. Heck my coworker thinks something's shady, and she can find the good in the most evil mofo. There is something about this story, and his very public, very staged grief that is putting folks off. I wonder if the police are picking up on it? I would really hope that it's simply a case of him being a bad actor and not actually being guilty of anything. These days, you just never know.