Happy Birthday to Glamazon
Happy BIrthday Brenda!!!! THis is your day!!!!! And on behalf on all the BAF brothas, i just want to commend you on the fine job you have done with the (how shall i put this), with the wonderful job you have done with the whole package that is you.. you didn't come up short one dollar!!... We appreciate your effort and teamwork immensely.. the first round is on me... but inquiring minds want to know... you got it.. but can you drop it.. and how low can u go girl?
Don, thank you. That is truly a compliment. I'm not sure that all the BAF bruthas feel that way, but I appreciate the kind words anyway. ....and for the record, how low I go is by personal invitation only for a very exclusive, hand picked, intensely interviewed, screened, finger printed, FBI investigated, DNA sampled, man of distinction BUT once hired...(as the song says) you can have whateva you like.