I Got My Surgery Date! So why so many horror stories?
There are plenty of horror stories out there but you will find most of them are told by non-WLS people. That is one of the main reasons for this site. You can communicate with actual WLS patients who can share actual experience, instead of gossip, rumors, and propaganda. Good Luck to you on your surgery.
Yes, there are plenty of people that have negative stories to tell more than positive stories. I always tell people that everyone is different and a high percentage of people in fatalities have major pre-existing conditions and/or didn't follow doctors orders. Just have faith that things will be ok and they will. Your blessed to have this opportunity and don't let anyone steal your joy. I would avoid that negative nancy like the plague. This has been an awesome experience for me and i don't regret a minute of it. Good luck hun and i look forward to seeing you on the "LOSER" bench.
Thankfully, as someone mentioned earlier, there is Obesity Help and other websites full of information and people that have successfully undergone WLS that can provide guidance and support.
I had to and still am reminding myself that if I do nothing the outcome could be the same as my worse fears.... I plan to do something about this cycle.