Just Gotta Share...The Worst Attempt to Pick Me Up
that's true, because it cracks me up, obviously these guys must think they are "God's" gift to women. It just cracks me up.
Just like once I had a black dude ask me to dance & then gave me a lecture on why I shouldn't dance w/white dudes cause they have no rythem. He got lucky on that one, cause I figured he must be a soul train dancer the way he was talking, cause the last dude I had just walked off the floor w/ could dance his tail off & they had just started playing my jam.
How come I had to leave the dance floor cause I was sooo embarrassed. He made steve erkel look like a alvin ailey dancer
. My girls were rolling. They said I stood there for a few seconds like I was a deer caught in head lights, cause that's how bad dude was. He was elbowing people, bumping into them & stepping people's feet.
Just like once I had a black dude ask me to dance & then gave me a lecture on why I shouldn't dance w/white dudes cause they have no rythem. He got lucky on that one, cause I figured he must be a soul train dancer the way he was talking, cause the last dude I had just walked off the floor w/ could dance his tail off & they had just started playing my jam.
How come I had to leave the dance floor cause I was sooo embarrassed. He made steve erkel look like a alvin ailey dancer