Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. How is the week working out for you? What's planned for the weekend? Hopefully you are just where you'd hoped to be by the weekend.
Did you decide to pay a few calories forward before the holiday? You going to hold it down or make up for it afterwards? Be prepared to do something that does not undermine your golas. We usually know what we should do but we just don't get it done as we should.
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. How is the week working out for you? What's planned for the weekend? Hopefully you are just where you'd hoped to be by the weekend.
Did you decide to pay a few calories forward before the holiday? You going to hold it down or make up for it afterwards? Be prepared to do something that does not undermine your golas. We usually know what we should do but we just don't get it done as we should.
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
You sound good and determined! I know I'm a grazer and I want to keep loosing next week so I've got to plan differently. I hope when I'm as far out as you I won't have to plan for that late night plate or Friday's leftover plate. One thing for certain is my 3 oz pouch will make each plate a small one.
I did ok yesterday but it was hard. I finally stopped paying lip service and got serious about paying a little forward and making up the workouts I blew off. And, I also got back on plain water. A full quart. I am trying to do the right thing but at the same time I'm so tired of it all . I hope to bank about 1500 calories above the usual deficit before Thanksgiving weekend.
Calories 1098/ fat 38g/ net carbs 21/ protein 114g/ liquids 72 oz/ workout 1502 cal / deficit 1733. I'm shooting for three really high deficit days over the next week.
Calories 1098/ fat 38g/ net carbs 21/ protein 114g/ liquids 72 oz/ workout 1502 cal / deficit 1733. I'm shooting for three really high deficit days over the next week.
I hear you. I had a true wake up scare with my scales. The scales had me up about 18 pounds, and I kept getting inaccurate readings. So i finally bought another pair. I noticed that I did not gain anything...Thank goodness. But Im really going to focus on not grazing. That was me... grazing all of the time. Someone posted yesterday the 10 things people do wrong after wls. My two biggest ones were grazing, and drinking while eatting. I am going see if it makes a differences or not.