on 11/19/09 10:44 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Good morning Donnie...
I don't give a damn if there is 4 million black men in the DC area...I GOT WHAT I WANT and I am happy...and THIS BAF forum IS NOT ONLY DEDICATED to the DO RAG timberland, AIDS carrying, baby making, gold tooth MOFO'S either....I think I'll pass on that brotha.....oh yea DC has the number one HIV rate in the country...I DO NOT VENTURE into DC unless it's business related so THANKS but NO THANK on men in DC....
And for the RECORD....I have NEVER belittled black men I think you WANT me to go there coz I am marrying a white man, you sound stupid as hell, my dad, brother and uncles are black...YOU insulted ME, by telling me to come back HOME on the DARK SIDE what the hell IS the DARK SIDE?....HELL I got many cousins that married white women, THAT'S their choice, did I want to marry a black man YES AT FIRST...but a BLACK MAN did not wine and dine me, and treat me like a queen and took me home to mom, spoil me with many gifts...I fell in love with a MAN that happens to be white , I don't have a TYPE...UNLIKE most of you BROTHAS..."light skinned THICK REDBONES ...
Why do you CARE about who the *F* my man is? Is it a crime for black women to date/marry who the F they want and be happy and post on these forums IN PEACE without being cyber ganged by thugs? Now now Donnie...you have hit on me so many freaking times on the BL it's not funny is that what you are UPSET ABOUT? COZ you did not get none? A NICCA have to PUT A RING ON IT BEFORE this stuff gets touch.....I don't date guys on a forum that I am trying to lose weight on....and NO I am not going to HIDE my profile coz this IS MY journey and I refuse to get a bunch of Internet THUGS bully me.....
You say you are college educated and gainfully employed...GREAT!! Good for you, I am happy that you are doing well, and I REALLY HOPE that you find that women of your dreams to fulfill your life with just like I have found the man of my dreams...can we all get along without bring down and belittling someone spouse? Sorry I was not raised in the HOOD but I am proud to be black and love my black family and friends.
NOW I am out and you can go ahead and RALLY ALL OF YOUR CBYER HOOD RATS behind you coz I am NOT gonna give this post anymore of my time; I just wanted to put a stop this CRAP about MY MAN....
first of all.. ain't no shame to my game Sis.. over a year ago, i said i was be in the DC area and asked if you were available for dinner and you said yes call me.. I came through.. but never called..i wonder why?...could it be that DC is full of fine sistas of ALL hues with good careers and just a little less attitude than yours? As a matter of fact , i think i made my way out west to Colorado that weekend.. there's a lot of FREE negroes in that part of the country..
secondly,........i wouldn't have you..i don't care how much weight you lost or how fine you THINK you are.. you coudn't do my dirty laundry.. oh wait, i pay my housekeeer Rosita to do that... and give me a break with the coochie thing... stop politicizing the punanee... ain't like you got the market cornered on that any damn way.. men trip over more panties in a day than they pull off..so what else you got? 'Fire in the hole fellas!!"
on 11/19/09 11:05 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA

on 11/19/09 11:21 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA

Why do I hafta have a black man???? I don't need to go Colorado or California to seek out a black man (hell I Used TO GET hit on in those states when I was doing Match.com by handsome available brothas but again, my calling came in another color..I got what I want and it IS what it is....

I sat here yesterday and read the shots taken. Hey, its cool. Some of them were actually funny. But here's the deal. They say that you are what you attract. While I can't say I've never dated inter-racially, per se, I don't knock it. I don't do it because I haven't given up on my sisters, whether they are Caribbean, Hispanic or good ol' American.
I see the shots at black men in general, that there are no good black men (as if any of you have dated all black men). Maybe some of you who are quick to take shots SHOULD look at what you bring to the table. if you are judging a dude by his surface qualities (does he own is home, what kind of car he drives, how much he earns a year, is he a church dude) that's all you will get --surface qualities. None of that determines his character. Yeah, we as men can be guilty of that as well, but we'll stick to the subject at hand (after all "the sky is blue" "Yeah, but the water is blue, too" ).
There is no need to defend your pick regarding whom you decide spend your time with. You do you, but there is no NEED to deride an entire group of men just because YOU'VE made some asinine choices in the past. I had been ignoring the laugh-fest for the past couple of days because it wasn't really worth putting my .02 worth in, but, as a wonderful sister told me, sometimes we as men NEED to put in our two cents worth..especially those of us who have sense...I realize that I'm NOT perfect and am not looking for perfection.
I posted the young lady's list of what she thinks a "real" man should be to spark honest, positive conversation. Alas, I realize you cannot have positive conversation without it turning into finger pointing. Maybe if there were less finger pointing and more soul-searching, both men and women would be able to see what it takes to make relationships work. Unfortunately, its easier to say "All (fill in the blank)
Okay, I know this post is going to spark more mudslinging, name-calling, innuendo, whatever. Do / say what you must/ want. Doesn't matter.
*drops the mic, exits stage left*
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
on 11/19/09 10:56 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
How many beautiful black women nowadays are dating marrying white men not because they CAN'T get a black man it is because they chose to do so, and I CHOSE to marry a white man not because I hate black men, because I love him....enough said.
on 11/19/09 11:14 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Black Americans are the minority in the US and when you take a certain percentage of black men that are in jail, on drugs, many are marrying outside of the race and have been for years, no job, have a host of other issues going on...it MAKES the POOL of available GOOD black men extremely short for MOST professional black women that was not point...so YES...good black men that are available and marriageable are RARE ...