(deactivated member)
on 11/19/09 10:47 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
on 11/19/09 10:47 pm - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Thanks homeboy! At least we got some sensible men up in here! Thank you sweetie

whew....see that's what i'm talking about.. requirement #5.. i like a little fire in my women..come on Na Na.. now put your hand on her hip and roll ya neck for big Black Ceasar.. now i presume that you are referrring to D and myself and since D probably hasn't woke up yet let me be the first to fire off..As i said before i have date interracially and there was a time in my life when i preferred to...and for some of the same reasons you stated..(but they were all dime pieces) so i ain't beating you over the head for taking a trip over the fence but i do take issue with you throwing shots at black men while you doing it..you get to choose your mate and i don't care if he is a peg legged bald head patch over the eye piano playing mfer.. but what you don't get to do is consistently use "ain't no good black men around" excuse er time you jump ship.. have you ever stopped to think that maybe it's you.. maybe you got the damn problem and not us.. if three hundred thousand black men in the metro DC area ain't trying to marry Naomi then maybe it's time you stopped and checked the vibe you given off..and you're right DC is full of single professional black women all looking for good men so maybe you need to tighten YOUR game up a little bit and toned the attitude down..(requirement #6) And as far as weight loss, girl please.. i am 6 2, 310 at my heaviest and holding at 260 pounds of pure absolute self made MAN.. and ain't nothing hangin off this body but the sac between my legs..I take no mfing tea for the pain and i walk it like i talk it.. I am college educated, gainfully employed, a business owner, a good father and a better brother than most, and i walk with my God every day.. and although it's very juvenile of you, i do okay with the Ladies also.. i've been known to pull a few thoroughbreds out the barn on occasion Sis trust me.. i don't think pics are really necessary i mean that's some high school locker room shyte but if that's how you get down then by all means we can go there.. and one more thing miss me with the "ghetto side" ok baby.. sistas like you kill me.. Ya'll real black till some real niccas show up!!!!!
that's part of yor problem right there.. you need a doo rag timberland wearing brotha with a gold tooth and a pack of Newports in his waistband to bring you back to the DARK side baby. and futhermore, let's keep it one hundred as we say up here shall we.. the fact of the matter is you ain't looking for a man.. you looking for a SPONSOR.. and brothas peeped your game on the first date.. We do what we gotta do to get it done but we ain't sponsoring no grown ass women.. THe Olympics are over and McDonald's is down the street Sis...
..now holl at cha boy
that's part of yor problem right there.. you need a doo rag timberland wearing brotha with a gold tooth and a pack of Newports in his waistband to bring you back to the DARK side baby. and futhermore, let's keep it one hundred as we say up here shall we.. the fact of the matter is you ain't looking for a man.. you looking for a SPONSOR.. and brothas peeped your game on the first date.. We do what we gotta do to get it done but we ain't sponsoring no grown ass women.. THe Olympics are over and McDonald's is down the street Sis...

i am 6 2, 310 at my heaviest and holding at 260 pounds of pure absolute self made MAN
@ Donnie, I think I just fell in love !

My short azz likes a TALL, THICK MAN!! LOL
WOW, GM YALL I see NUFFIN has changed round these parts. Now yall got me feeling like Sophia oooooo, ole Sophia's home now!!!!!
Now on to the next one
@ Donnie, I think I just fell in love !

WOW, GM YALL I see NUFFIN has changed round these parts. Now yall got me feeling like Sophia oooooo, ole Sophia's home now!!!!!

Now on to the next one