Piggyback off of Donnie's Post
I was reading Donnie's post the other day. He makes a lot of good points. I was thinking, however, that many of my brothers aren't really pulling our weight when it comes to the wonderful world of relationships. On another site, a female friend of mine found and posted the following list. I thought I'd share it with my brothers. While I don't agree with ALL of these, many make sense. Maybe my sisters can get something out of this as well. :)
1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first.
2.) A REAL MAN RAISES HIS KIDS, not JUST out of pocket either.
3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman when she wants to develop herself.
4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN.
5.) A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises
6.) A REAL MAN calls a woman "beautiful", not ******y, or fine as ****
8.) A REAL MAN CALLS his lady on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS.
9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about her or what his friends think of her.
10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with his lady & won't get sick of her.
11.) A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with her.
12.) A REAL MAN kisses his lady/gives her presents "just because".
13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real.
14.) A REAL MAN should be TREATED like one.
15.) A REAL MAN doesn't ask questions when you say you need something....him, sex, money, or a bed to sleep in.
16.) A REAL MAN lets others know How He Feels About you.
17.) A REAL MAN doesn't play games
18.) A REAL MAN doesn't leave you to go and hang out with his friends if he hasn't seen you in a week and then call you at 4 in the morning because he needs some loving.
19.) A REAL MAN doesn't deny you constantly.
20.) A REAL MAN doesn't just think about sex.
21.) A REAL MAN Doesn't Judge the book by the cover.
22.) A REAL MAN wouldn't use his friendship card to get what he wants.
23.) A REAL MAN knows the difference between a REAL WOMAN and a random girl.
24.) A REAL MAN won't degrade a woman with words nor will he ever put his hands on her in anger.
Ok...having shared this, I'd love to hear / read what you think.
on 11/18/09 10:58 pm
Ayy yo,
First and foremost, I never liked the notion of women (any woman) trying to define what a real man is/does/thinks/etc... No matter what list they come up with, it's always aimed at black men the same way the 3/5 Compromise was used to classify us men and it's always aimed at us black men.
Let's face it, a black man is just like any other so-called race of man - a man; but I strongly feel that he gives up that right be called such when he willingly fails to respect himself, fails to have dignity for himself; fails to uphold his family values and upbringing regardless of who's in charge of the household, and fails to willingly make a contribution in some small positive way to the young men and women coming up after him.
In regards to the black woman and all of her multi-faceted splendor, a black man should respect her for the beautiful jewel that she is - even if her attitude and actions that she displays makes her seem a lot less beautiful than she really is.
Just random thoughts that I had this morning.
on 11/19/09 12:03 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Now I am sure there are those GHETTO type loud mouth women who scares both some men and women..LOL, but in general most black women that I know are not the "head shaking" mean spirited women. Some black men SAY that that was their reasoning to turning to "others" to date/marry, but I think it is a LOT more deeper than that...coz black men have A LOT of "supply of black women to choose from and they don't hafta choose the "ghetto loud mouth women" have to date outside their race in order to find a GOOD BLACK WOMEN...
BUT black men are choosing others to date/marry in droves and have been doing it for the last 30 years...NOW black women who WANT a NICE fulfilling life is left with hardly NO GOOD black men to choose from if SHE WANTS A GOOD LIFE...and if she choose to go to the other side and date outside of her race SHE SHOULD NOT BE ostracize or criticized for being happy....just my 2 cents.
on 11/19/09 12:24 am

I take it you're already including other men (black or otherwise) here in this statement so I won't judge.
NOW black women who WANT a NICE fulfilling life is left with hardly NO GOOD black men to choose from

Trying hard not to sound like a cliche here, Luv, but Marriage does not necessarily equal a good life.

and if she choose to go to the other side and date outside of her race SHE SHOULD NOT BE ostracize or criticized for being happy....just my 2 cents
Nor should she care if others don't like it but if she does then therein lies 99% of the problem.

I didn't know I wasn't supposed to like the 4 am call.... hell - I been out with my firends too and need a lil nooky to put me to sleep........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
I like that this is sparking some sort of conversation.
I don't totally agree with the notion of lists, either. As I said before, some make sense, and others I don't agree with.
You're right in that most of the time, we do have lists dictating was "real men" are and aren't. Granted, I have my own idea what a "real man" is / does. I did manage to ask my friend if she had a "real woman" list...just out of curiousity. I'm still waiting patiently.
on 11/19/09 12:36 am

I'm just glad some of these sistas don't have to give me my personal yearly review for being a man on the job in the couples line of work. Not only would I get fired for some of these items. Hell, I'd be escorted out of the relationship and thrown out on the street by security.