LADIES!!! How did you wear your hair for surgery??
First of all !!!!
I wore my hair in a wrap without a scarf!!!!!, BAD IDEA because my surgery was open, I couldn't really lift myself etc thus, my hair rubbed in the back from laying on my back. On the upside, I did get a nice BOB cut out of the deal! DIdn't really matter though, I had hair loss as a result of the surgery and had to cut it all off. It's growing back now though! GOod luck!
Hi JJ...........I wore my sewn in tracks. I got it done about a week prior to. It was a curly track so I wouldn't have to deal with styling it every day. It worked beautifully. All that was needed was to finger style them by pulling through them arranging them with a headband for accent and style. I kept them in for a couple of weeks, and actually had it redone a few weeks later in the same style for my return to work.
I hope this info helps.
I hope this info helps.
I wore a wig sewn on (my alternative to weave - takes less time no styling or cutting needed and cheaper). That is what I am wearing on profile pic now. My natural hair is braided and sewn underneath.
Working on me - want to be better in everyway not just physically!!! Its a process no time to judge or be judged!!!!