Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
Good Morning BAF!
This is a good week to pay it forward because next week is going to be HARD for some of us to keep our wl moving or to maintain. It may be even harder for those on their pre op diets still doing it without yet having their tool in place. Consider a little cutting back or an extra workout to make up for the laid back four day weekend so many of us have planned over the Thanksgiving Hoilday. This way there are no sorrows when its all over. You're still on track. That is, assuming you idulge sensibly.
What do you have planned to keep from getting side tracked over the Thanksgiving holiday?
... All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Yesterday was my high calorie day but I got there the wrong way with way too much fat and sodium. Nuts, cheese and fried food will no longer be eaten on the same day. An easy way to boost calories without bulk, but I don't want to clog my arteries and raise my blood pressure doing it.
Todays plan is to hit the 125g protein I did not reach yesterday and get back to including some plain water with my liquids. I'm still solid on the vits, required protien, net carbs and liquids.
I've only lost 1.4 lbs this week with just nine weeks to go before my goal date. I need a solid 2 lbs a week from now on to make it on schedule.
I usually am sick of food after cooking for 2 days and all night and don't do too bad during the holidays. So my plan for next week is to get in the kitchen and cook like a fool. By the time everything is done and everyone is pigging out, I'll be sitting somewhere soaking my feet.
This week I am just focusing on protein, protein, protein and vegetables.
I'm stealing your plan for the week.
Today's plan:
B-Coffee with protein
D-Salad with ribs
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Yesterday was the get my butt back in gear and STOP MAKING EXCUSES.
I went to the gym yesterday (with my kids had them working out too) and my workout had me sweating bullets. I will go to the gym tonight and push myself extra hard.
My weakness is carbs too...who would have ever thought that pre op candy bars was my weakness...anyway
B-oatmeal and 3 slices of bacon
D-Boyfriend said he wanted to make some baked chicken drummies so I'll have salad with that..
Still lacking on the protein but I'll make sure I'll have a protein shake (maybe 2)!!