Black Men: WLS and Plastic Surgery

on 11/13/09 10:33 pm
I was looking over several profiles and on the plastics board and I gotta question - is it me or does it seem like a lot of women get plastic surgery after WLS, but not men? 

How come that is?   Now - Imma be real and put it out there that I KNOW for a FACT that dudes have the hanging skin issue - done seen it!!!  It ain't purdy!!!  that's why all us biotches get cut up one mo gin - but I see post after post of women going through the insurance approval fight, the finding the right surgeon, blah, blah, blah - not really the dudes........

I would say that they just quiet with theirs - but umm - I think they just ain't getting **** done.  So I'm curious........

MEN - for those of you still losing, are you thinking or looking to have plastics once you reach goal?

WHY or WHY tha heyl NOT???????

  I'm all ears........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 10:54 pm

After I read about all of the pain that plastic surgery brings on, I'll just jiggle my way through life and pass that **** up. 
on 11/13/09 11:59 pm
but you read about the pain of WLS and still did THAT......

come on man - be for real!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

(deactivated member)
on 11/14/09 12:58 am
Okay then let me phrase that...

I needed WLS for a number of reasons; I don't feel that I NEED plastics.
Birdman D.
on 11/13/09 11:25 pm - Nappytown
T...i finished losing quite a few years ago...

...i'm "considering" looking into plastics...but it's waaayyyyy down on my priority list right now.

See full size image 
on 11/14/09 12:00 am
can I ask why? 

It was my next 'to do' when I hit 200 down.  And I was very adamant at first that I would NEVER have plastics done, actually.  

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

Birdman D.
on 11/15/09 7:00 pm - Nappytown
i think for me T...

i had WLS because of "multiple" health related problems connected with my weight.  those issues have pretty much been resolved...and i'm in pretty good health for an old gray headed guy.

so for me...that's why plastics is way down the priority list.  what i wanted to happen happened with my weight loss.

if my loose skin bothered me more...or bothered my woman at all...i'd surely look into it.  but right now???  i'm just "considering" it as a possibility in the future.

See full size image 
HelpMeRhonda !!
on 11/14/09 1:07 am - J. R. Ewing, TX
Plastics was NEVER on my list of to do things, which is why I waited until I was 6 years post-op before I opted to self pay for aTUMMY TUCK. 

I would think alot of people (men or women) is like myself and had very little hanging skin and didn't want to volunteer to lay back down on the table and deal wit the recovery. My tummy tuck was cake walk compared to the pain of my OPEN RNY and Bowel Obstruction.
on 11/14/09 4:03 am
Yea - I suppose you could go with the 'not that much hanging skin' theory - BUT - even those that do have it don't get it cut.......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

on 11/14/09 3:32 am - Riverdale, GA
There's not a lot of black men on the boards. So since our nimbers are low you won't see a lot of us. I also found when I go to different WLS events there are mostly woman so I think the numbers are low anyway. I went to the Obesity Help event in Atlanta last weekend I saw one (1) other black man and mostly white woman.


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