OT - Piggyback off of Dalexis' Previous Post: an open apology

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 7:16 am

Trina aka #1 Mack Mama,
Dalexis aka Dalexis
BAF Christian members and friends,

I apologize for my earlier statement to Dalexis, which may or may not have caused to him to re-think his post to MM, which made me laugh in the first place.  My statement was totally done in bad taste cause I'm one tasteless bastid.

I would not have done this on the b/l, nor would I eat them on train, in a plane, in Spain...  but I thought it fair, since D already said the previous statement publicly, so I figured that I would apologize publicly to D on behalf of MM.

Again, it was done in bad taste and I hoplessly apologize for some stuff that I'm not even quite sure about.  But oh well...
Now I'll drop the mic and move outta the way so that Dimple Donna can apologize cuz her azz was on the thread right after me and um... also before Kanye West runs up and grabs the mic.

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 8:46 am

See below


(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 10:26 am
Your turn.
on 11/13/09 10:22 am

but I WILL say this.... the **** that's ****** ME off.......

Not nary one of you sorry ass MOTHER******S is defending or trying to refute the 'HO' label on me!!!!!!!

WTF?????  you wanna debate the WAY he said that **** - not the content?????  SOMM*****!!! 

  damn shame a ***** can't get a content warrior in this camp.......

*holds hand up* STOP IT RIGHT THUR!!!!  I know good and damn well whomsoever took up the content argument woulda lost - I'm actually not really refuting - but somebody shoulda fought it ANYWAY...... just on principal...... not just bemoan the lack of FLAIR on D's part.......

aiiight - I'm done...... for now.....

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 10:32 am
Two things:

1.  On the 'HO' label thing...  Bay-bay, the Lawd knows your heart.  I don't.

2.  Either OH has gotten a new filtering program behind the scenes or some nosey Mo Fo is sitting there turning every off color word you typed into ******.  I had to whip out my decoder ring just figure out how to read your last post.
on 11/13/09 10:33 am
umm - on #2 - check your settings - you're set to filter offensive content. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 10:38 am
Word.  Good lookin' out, Yo.

Ahhhhh...  It feels good to be able to get my profanity on again.  Somebody fire up a cigarette and crack open a can of brew.  Ya boy is back in biz-ness! 
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/09 12:10 pm
Dimple Donna
on 11/13/09 1:09 pm - Chicago, IL

Trina...Aaron...and anybody else...

It was ME who told D that the label of 'Ho" was inappropriate...I ain't hiding behind nobody...even though others chimed in - his response was directed at you, Trina, and I felt that it was not cool (if you go back to the post, I even asked him why he did it).

At any rate...I don't give a flying hell if I would have lost that debate or not...which is why I don't even come here to debate anymore...folk take **** too seriously sometimes (myself, included).

So, yes, the fact that you were generalized in D's statement - THAT PISSED ME OFF...and I let him know that it was inappropriate.  Hell, after all - er'body on here has been a ho in their life, at some time or another..and in one form or another....including Dwayne (and don't read **** into that statement...that nikka's my cuzzin!)

And on that...I'm outta dis joint...quick, fast and in a hurry!!!

Personal to Aaron - lemme hold $10!


I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
263.jpg image by DimpleDonna228.jpg image by DimpleDonna
on 11/13/09 10:11 pm
Whaddup DD!!!!!!

Gurl - I really hope you ain't thinking I'm for reals for REALS bout this ish........ you KNOW how I roll.

I do feel your point - and yea - on its merit, the generalization was, indeed, uncalled for.  However, after my years in the game on this board - I really don't expect folk to adhere to the rules of civility, common decency, and I certainly don't look for morality.  I applaud your continued quest for it - you always manage to bring things back to 'front and center'. 

  lub you like a play cousin!!!!  LMAOO

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

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