"Her chocolate-colored skin lights up her sunny character"

Birdman D.
on 11/11/09 8:47 pm - Nappytown
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1203114 17


On my way home from work yesterday...I was listening to NPR (which I rarely do)...and happened upon this story and it amazed me!!!

lou jing 9/11/9 by luuluu.

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on 11/11/09 8:56 pm
I'm floored!!!!

How can ALL that hair be produced in China and she STILL look a hot mess????  I KNOW her mama got at least one damn connection at a wig factory or somethin!!!!!

Oh yea - you probably referring to the reaction from Chinese folk..... um..... it's not surprising to me.  Human nature is to cleave to what's familiar and attack and reject anything different.  There are few Blacks in China - heck, most of them prolly ain't even know they existed before that show.  A lot like Blacks before the Cosby show, in some ways.......

I hate it for her that she started doubting herself, tho - she's a very cute girl!  She should come on over to the USA - one good weave and she could be a star over here!!!!!  LOL 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 11/11/09 9:22 pm
Maaaaaaaaan...    Her daddy must've been darker than a coal miner's butt crack at midnight standing in a pair of patent leather shoes during a solar eclipse for her to possess that much melanin in her skin after conception.  But I'm with MM on this one.  Two bobby pins and a few orange streaks sprawled all over your Happy to be Nappy does not say fashionable to me.    

However, I think I'm bugging more off of the name, Go! Oriental Angel, over here to be honest.  Ain't they into dragons and such over there.  Where'd they get the notion for all of this Angel business?  One minute they're all running down the street yelling, "Run! Gaw-Zee-rah!" and now they are saying, "Go! Oriental Angel?" 

I'm confused.   
Birdman D.
on 11/11/09 11:12 pm - Nappytown
................(but i think your mixing up japan and china...lol)

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(deactivated member)
on 11/11/09 11:21 pm
Told ya I was confused.  Now BAF knows my shame.  Bwwwwaaaaaahhhhhh!
on 11/11/09 11:19 pm
you STOOPID!!!!!!  OMG

That's so wrong to assume that bout that child's daddy!!!!  My mom AND dad (lease tha ninja mama SAY is my daddy) are both deep caramel color - like about Birdman's tone or a lil darker - but look at ME........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Birdman D.
on 11/11/09 11:27 pm - Nappytown
I'M DARK...I'M DARK...my pictures just come out kinda tan/caramel...i don't know what that's all about.  I'M DARK...I'M DARK...

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on 11/11/09 11:39 pm
ninja please.  you forget that I've met you in person......... minus the tree, that is.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

Birdman D.
on 11/12/09 1:40 am - Nappytown
ohhhhhh...that's right.......................................

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(deactivated member)
on 11/11/09 11:36 pm
 @ That's so wrong to assume that bout that child's daddy!!!! 

How so?  The entire Asian continent is made up of people who have a yellowish-pale based skin color.  I'm just saying it would take some pretty strong soot-lookin solidiers in his "spoym" to conquer to the yellow-pale borders of her momma's egg.  From the looks of her - Melanin 1, Albinoism 0.  

And you lukers out there thought I was gonna say something really racist didn't ya.  
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