Kahhhh Booooommmm Guess Who Stepped Back N DA Room and OT Question
I know yawl missed me...well some of you anyway...lol
No No No nothing was wrong except my puter had more viruses than a hoe givin' out 14 cent pleasures
Speakin' of havin' a virus or 50...this got me to thinkin and wondering how much "protection/insurance" do folks invest in??
Like I have home/car/health insurance/ahs......but other than that I don't invest in "protection/insurance" tools much....my phone number is listed, I use my real name on the internet...I normally use open profiles (accept every freakin' friendship request),
I very seldom lock my front or car doors (and I live in a black neighborhood) no home alarm....
I don't have that identity theft shiot *sidenote you all know the one that had his ss# on the side of the car got his shiot stolen right*....
I keep my check book, pictures and important docs at work (in an open drawer) I guess you can call my job a form of "protection", FREE protection at that!
I stopped investing in that ac****ntial death insurance from the bank, because most folks don't have an accidential death
Seriously I'm really interested to hear about what type of "protection/insurance" measures you invest in? What do you buy and how much do you pay monthly for "protection"?
eta: I am gonna hook-up with that Norton virus protection though...having a virus ain't nothing nice...I had to resort to singing barney songs with my grand daughter...I'm talkin' barney songs from his live show!
hmm, lets see

I carry the hedge of protection of Jesus Christ everywhere I go. My cars have all been prayed up, cause my tail should have been dead or seriously injured 70x7.
I carry a personal life insurance policy, cause group life insurance is way more costlier when you roll it over to an individual plan, if you're laid off or leave your job due to disability.
My mama got me pocket mace, so I carry that in my purse.
My car key is protection, as doubles as a weapon, so I can joog somebody's eyeball out if I have to.
Contemplating getting disability insurance, cause the older you get, the more likely that you're going to need something that pays you longer than your LTD at work.
My warranty on my car is protection, to protect me from being having a conipition fit & bumming rides, if something major goes wrong.
Got one better,, as we do all that as well...but we here in central IL leave our cars running when we go to the gas stations, conveniece stores..... people from chi town can't believe it when they come visit or move down here. No need to car jack, just stroll over to the nearest store & hop in, it's all warmed up/cooled down, gassed up & ready to go!

You know that last post shut my computer all the way
down. just got it back up. truth is I don't all the way know
as this is not my area. Yeah my husband and I take certain
responsibilities so that we can get every thing done and this
ain't one of my areas. I do know we have the regular auto/life/long
term in home care stuff and since we do business we have some "if you fall and
break your leg and wanna sue insurance." Our identity was stolen a
couple of years back and now we have some kind of lock on opening new
accounts without advance notice or something. I think we have some kind
****** I had to resort to singing barney songs with my grand daughter...I'm talkin' barney songs from his live show! ******
chile I"m glad you were able to get off the Barney crack!