Interview Status
Well I could not really tell if the interview went good or bad. The two women that interview me did not show any emotion at all. When I got off work at 5pm I looked at my BB had a email that said thanks for your time but your not the employee for us. So I am still on the look out for the right opportunity.
I had my resume done by a professional resume writing service and I had it doubled checked. This was offered for free for us soon to be unemployed people. LOL So I know that was on point. I am very qualified for the job as far as experience and education goes. I was dressed professional and they interviewed me for a hour and half which sucks. Why keep a person that long and then email them promptly after the interview your not what we are looking for. At least I did not have to wait for a decision. Oh well I get my big blessing soon.

that BLOWS!!!!! At least they hurried up and sent the email instead of kept you waiting.
and the interview has to be a standard length - if they'd cut you early, it could be deemed discriminatory. I trudge through interviews knowing after 2 min the person isn't gonna make my cut - but thems tha rules!!!!
Take it as practice. Interviewing is an art, really - work on 'reading' the folk that you're interviewing. No response or emotion - you're not in. If you were in - you'd hate to be there cause they are shady and hard to know what's on their agenda. Your time is coming - wait for it,..... wait for it..... LOL!!!
Good luck on the next one!
and the interview has to be a standard length - if they'd cut you early, it could be deemed discriminatory. I trudge through interviews knowing after 2 min the person isn't gonna make my cut - but thems tha rules!!!!
Take it as practice. Interviewing is an art, really - work on 'reading' the folk that you're interviewing. No response or emotion - you're not in. If you were in - you'd hate to be there cause they are shady and hard to know what's on their agenda. Your time is coming - wait for it,..... wait for it..... LOL!!!
Good luck on the next one!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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A hour and a half though that is to long to talk to a person your not going to hire. LOL Once upon a time I interviewed thirty times before I got a job when I first graduated from college. So I would like to think over the years I have perfected my interview skills. My current manager and others have told me I interview well. So I have to wait on my time. I hope it comes before I am given the ax. Thanks