
on 11/10/09 2:16 am
Who beleives in this end of the world stuff that's going around the internet?  Don't forget about the movie that's coming out Friday.  How can Mayan Indians predict that the world will end on 12/21/2012?  Supposedly this planet X will strike Earth or come so close to Earth that the gravitational pull will cause all kinds of bad shiznit to happen.

Is anybody worried about it?  I'm not necessarily TOO worried about it at this point.  NASA came out and basically said it's bull sh*t!!  (not in those terms).

Holla back.

No Retreat!  No Surrender!
The One
on 11/10/09 2:20 am - Houston, TX
I'm not worried about it at all I believe when it your time to go it's your time to go. You can run but can't hide. Plus all of this is manmade stuff. I know who has full control of every and all things and his name is GOD.

Peace out
Stop Sharing_1976
on 11/10/09 2:37 am

 Matt 24:36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.

So to answer no I'm not worried, people have been giving dates about the end of the world forever and those days come and go. 


Faith *
on 11/10/09 2:48 am
I was trying to remember this scripture and was attempting to google it.

I am not worried about it.  Of course we all know that the world is coming to an end eventually. However, IMO, I do not believe that no one can predict the date that it will end.  According to the Bible, there are things that are taking place and many, many more things must take place before this world comes to an end and I don't believe there is enough time between now and 12/21/12 for it all to happen.  These are my opinions based on my understanding of what I have read.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/09 2:46 am

Man has been trying to predict the end of time since the first day he got up off of his hands and knees, stood up straight on both feet, and finally realized that night that there were bright lights that we now call stars in the sky. 

I don't have a clue when the world will end but I am certain that whenever it does it will. 

on 11/10/09 3:34 am - Santa Maria, CA
I dont believe in it either, Im not a very religious person. However I am spiritual and I have my own relationship with God, I just hope that Im one of his chosen when he opens the gates to heaven when its my time 2 go. Wither it b because the world ended or cuz Im old and dusty.
on 11/10/09 3:29 am - oklahoma city, OK
Remember all the Y2K hype?? Now here we are at the end of 2009.  I do believe that things on plant earth will get progressively worst in many ways...........but we are already seeing things on a daily basis that are so horrific and unbelieveable compared to "back in the day"'s just crazy!  None of us want to suffer while here.....................but every step we take every second of every single day is either a "step in faith" or a "step in fear"....we always have that choice.

I believe that God really does have a plan.


on 11/10/09 4:14 am - Milwaukee, WI
i dont believe in it, but i'm going to see the movie and will be scarred for a couple i was scarred for a couple days after seeing silence of the lamb too..but even if it is true there is nothing i can do about it..when God says its my time then its my main thing is please let it come as a surprise..i dont want to know its coming..i dont want to be suffering with some uncurable illness knowing i'm going to die. i'm ok with death..i haven't accomplished all that I want to, but I have lived a full life..
It is better to be motivated by the souls hunger rather than the egos greed.
MSW will not settle
on 11/10/09 4:25 am
I thought it ended back with Y2K???  On no, my bad, we're still here, that was just total world chaos, disease, pestulance, famine etc.   

As I understand it 12/21/2012 (the winter solstace) is when the Myan calendar ends, but there is no definitive proof that they believed the whole world would end.  Perhaps a few thousand years into the future was all they needed to know.  Anyone finding blank documents prepared in the 20th century may think we believed y2k was the end too... and some of us did. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 11/10/09 6:44 am - Mesa, AZ
No one knows that exact time except for our Father in Heaven.  Not even Jesus.  When the rapture comes, all that are saved and called by His name will be swept up in a twinkling and reunited with Him in Heaven.  We will not witness the devestation and death.  If you are not saved, you will be cast into hell.  So, if you are concerned and not sure where you will end up, whether it comes in 2012 or 10,000 years later, then confess your sins, ask Jesus into heart and make Him your Lord and Savior.  Your named, then added to the Lambs book of Life and forever you are saved.  You won't be saved cuz you're a nice person.  You won't be saved cuz you went to church and said 1000 Our Fathers.  You will not be saved cuz you didn't cheat, steal or kill anyone.  There is only one way, only one door, only one Savior. His name is Jesus. 

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

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