OT: I had said I wasn't gon post 'bout dis........

Dimple Donna
on 11/10/09 12:57 pm - Chicago, IL
Whew lawd...you are skraight up - CAH-RAY-ZEE!! That was too funny!
I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!
263.jpg image by DimpleDonna228.jpg image by DimpleDonna
on 11/10/09 8:36 pm
you know how I do DD!!!!  always keeping it 100! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/11/09 2:41 am

LMBAO, Well got DAYUM. That is too true.

on 11/11/09 7:35 am - NC
something TOLD me to come on today!!! now I know WHY!!

Mack Mama,, whattup.

I aint been on in months,, but something told me to check out BAF,, cuz the Mack might be PREACHIN the gospel...

and sho nuff,, you did.

I been saying this and saying this for DECADES now,, but I guess me saying it, and MACK saying it,,, has different meanings.

Anyways,, I agree totally, and whole heartedly.


I aint know you "had another side" to you!!!!  whatup wit DAT?? LOL

I aint mad at you though.

Still dont trip,








on 11/11/09 8:23 am
  heeeyyyyy boo-boo!!!!  Been missin you!!!!!!  LMAO that you sign on to see THIS one! 

and how YOU miss my 'other' side - it's a WELL known fact!!!  LMAO - Imma need you to read more closely from now on, mkay?  


I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/12/09 1:41 am - NC

I DO read closely--but hell I dont come on here but 4-5 times a YEAR!!!

You was sposed to let me know that on the backline,,,, real low key like girl!!!

I aint mad at you,, shyyyyyyyyt.

you know me,,,, Dont trip.








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