OT: It shouldn't be called getting fired from a job......

on 11/6/09 12:30 am
WHY is it that folks feel the company is evil when someone is fired?  I say they should stop calling it that - makes it sound like it's the COMPANY'S fault - it's NOT!!!!

when a mofo gets canned - THEY did something wrong!!!!  you ain't fired - you GAVE UP your job!!!!

and please explain to me why folk think they are entitiled to unemployment REGARDLESS of why they got fired??  the company has to pay for that unemployment - it's technically like salary - and if you got fired for NOT doing your job, why should they continue to pay you after kicking you out?????

PLEASE 'splain this one to me and help me understand.......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

HelpMeRhonda !!
on 11/6/09 12:42 am - J. R. Ewing, TX
My employer will fire someone but don't call it that they simply call it "laid off", AND pay for unemployment benefits AND give you 2 months of pay... WTH???

on 11/6/09 12:58 am
that's cause they are too lazy to document and fire for cause. 

we do the lay off thing too - when a mofo is too sneaky to really get caught..... LOL!!! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/6/09 3:01 am - Katy, TX
Have you ever tried firing a Canadian employee.............. Damn near starting WORLD WAR THREE............They hunt down every lawyer they can find and try to sue you. Your stuck in litigation for months all because you had a reduction in force. It's almost as if they don't understand the concept of "lay-off" or termination.
Faith *
on 11/6/09 4:36 am

what you are out of lurk mode?

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 11/6/09 4:02 am
Picking up mic. & long long  read.

Girl you got my back hairs raised up on this one!   You sure are being judgemental, when you need to be saying, "but for the Grace of God, go I".  As you could easily find yourself just another one in the number, without explanation, rhyme or reason.  If you live in a "At Will" state, they don't have a justification to fire your tail, so in these states it has nothing to do with work performance.

Why would you think companies are NOT evil & why are you acting like the employee is always at fault.  There is no such thing as employer loyalty anymore.  They'll use you & toss you as soon as they don't need you anymore or management sees you as not "fitting into their future", whether it's due to cost cutting measures, personality conflicts...but nothing to do as it should be..job performance.

How do I know, cause I'm in that number!  Know that lovely insurance company that got the bailout & then sent their field agents on a luxury spa vacation in AZ shortly thereafter?  Well, I worked for them for almost six years & when they decided to close our Dallas office, they needed a few people from our office to take several weeks to travel back & forth to tranisition their work to our IL office.  I was selected because I was a variable specialist ( formerly series 6 liscenced)  at my previous insurance job, which was some of what they dealt with, but foreign to my department.  The only other person that was willing to travel had been there a few years & had not previously worked in the insurance industry.  We successfully move the work up.  I become the product expert for the old Dallas work & discover a issue with their policies that would have caused major DOI complaints & lawsuits for the company.   Meanwhile the old Dallas management (manager &director) transitions over to our office & they do not like me, for what reason? I used proper protocol when addressing issues that arose, i.e. address with my supervisor who would have me take it up the chain of command.  I know my stuff & held my own with any of them & ended up making them look like dummies in a few situations.  Even alerted them to breach of security with a Nigerian scheme.

Well, unbeknowst to me they had secretly offered a supervisor position to my co-worker who had also helped transition the Dallas work.  Now in my office there were literally a handfull of blacks in my area, the new guard had demoted one from a trainer to a call rep, myself in my area, only 1 supervisor & a few others in a office of 325.

I am outgoing and I always keep the work envorinment fun.  So, there was a lot of laughter in my department (s) because of this.  Now that I think about it, new management liked their people to tow the line & be docile & quiet & that wasnt us.

One typical friday afternoon we're goofing around as usual &  people are in rare form.  I get threatened to get cussed out & another threatens to throw water on me, which when he goes to toss it at me, I reverse it on him real quick & some of it goes into his ears & he wears hearing aids.  Then another co-worker threatens to fight me to and actually licks my face.

So I come in Monday I get walked down to HR & they tell me that I threatened an employee & am immediately suspended until further notice.  Taking my mom's advice, I immediately go to the unemployement office & file & describe what transpired on that friday and I get a call by the end of the week that I am terminated.

I found out later that a new girl who never saw anything thing that took place, saw eric wiping off his hearing aid & asked what happened.  She then told the supervisor that monday morning that I threatened him & another girl & threw water on him.  In the meantime they get the real story & call everyone in & tell them there is to be no more horsing around & make them sign some type of statement to that fact.  Three months later they officially promote the other girl. 

They railroaded me (imo) because they didn't want to have my file a racial discrimination suit when they promoted a white girl with no experience over me.  Irony is I would have never applied or taken it, if offered.  BTW, unemployment, basically told them that their grounds for firing me was erreneous & without merit, but I live in a AT WILL state,

Now had I been written up there before?  Yes, twice before, but it had been years ago, by a former director (who was a witch)- who by the way wasn't my director at that time (the first writeup she was) & was just filling in for my current director who was on vacation , who ended up eating it because I called her bluff, as she had me taken straight to a (skipped all the other steps) to final warning because i was going on vacation in five days, but didn't have vacation time to cover it.    This all came up, because I had asked my supervisor if she had contacted HR or upper mgmt to see if there was anything special that I needed to do before I left, since it was approved time off with pay. 

They lied & told me that my supervisor never agreed to give me the time off, so therefore I was not approved, so if I left, it would be up to HR to approve me for return, because as far as she was concerned, I would not have a job.  I looked at her & smiled & left.   I went to HR with my written document from my supervisor confirming I had approved time off without pay & told them I would be taking it off as scheduled.  I got called back into her office the next day & was told that I must not have understood the conversation that she had the day prior, because she heard I went to HR.  I looked at her & smiled & said, yes, I understood completely.  I understood that you didn't care that I was leaving for vacation in 5 days & told me I couldnt go.  I understood that you didn't care that I had hotels that were paid for & a nonrefundable ticket.  I understood that you didn't care that I had friends that had scheduled time off to visit with me. I understood that you didn't care that I made all of these arrangements based on the go ahead with my supervisor, but called me a liar.  So, yes, I understood everything verly clearly, which is why i took my documentation to HR, so that it could be put in my file that I had approved time off.

The first write up occured about the 18 months of employment, her friend, my newly promoted manager, didn't like me & I didn't like her.  I wasn't docile nor did I play her games.  When she was a supervisor in another area close to mine, she would always "check" on us if she heard laughter when my supervisor was out.  So, I was horrified when she got the promotion & shortly afterwards, I get moved to another department, but because of the new hiarchary, Ishe is the deparment manager.  So anyway,  as allowed per our company handbook, I was using company property for personal use & made sure to let my supervisor know what i was doing.  I was writing solicitation letters to various businesses for a silent auction for our church service center.  Now oridnarily, when I printed, it would be on plain paper, but if the plain paper was out, it would automatically revert to company's stationary, which has their header on the top, but the address on the bottom. 

I get called in & am told I am not meeting my numbers & am making too many phone calls & am going on third warning.  I tell them I am still in training, so of course I'm not meeting my numbers & most of my phone calls are work related.  That doesn't matter, so if I exceed x number of minutes by 4/24's report ( this is on 4/12) then I will be fired.  BUT, I am then told I may not have a job anyway, because I am under investigation because I am soliciting business's using the company's name which is against company policy.   I of course deny it & show them my church's stationary, which I was copying the letters on to.  They show me "proof' that I am soliciting using their name.  I look at the director & tell her 1st of all, I wouldn't be that stupid to solicit using the companys name & not give them an alternate address to have them send their donations to other than the office and secondally, the body of the letter clearly stated for them to submit their donations to the above referenced address & then pointed out that the church's stationary's address was at the top, whereas the company's address was located at the bottom & them had the manager confirm what happens when the plain paper runs out on our printers.   Do you know that heiffer still looked at me like I was a lying piece of crap?  I was told that I would need to go to the manager's office the next day when the writeup was ready.

As I'm walking into her office the next day to sign the writeup, I stop in my tracks, because lo & behold, there is one of my letters, yes on church stationary on her desk!!  My exact words are "hold up wait a minute, what is going on here?  How did you get that & what was yesterday all about ?"  She admits that they had gotten that out of my trash a few days prior.  So, the whole time they were calling me a liar they had documentation to the contrary.  So, I was furious, so I tell her I want a copy of that in my file & documented when & where they got it from & I wanted to know what they were going to do about the ultimatums I was given.  Well, they adjusted all of those ultimatums and  "discontinued" their investigation.  After my time with the trainer ended, I was one of their top producers

So you tell me where in all of that, were they justified in any of the writeups or the firing.  & why wouldn't I be entitled to unemployment.  

Putting down mic...

on 11/6/09 4:34 am, edited 11/6/09 4:40 am

**cracking neck to the right, then the left**

aiight - look here homie - #1 - ain't every situation the same so just like *I* feel it's warranted, clearly you feel different.
#2 - I ain't an azzhole boss - so your situation ain't nothing I'd ever do
#3 - EVERY mofo I have ever fired handed me their job - I ain't snatch SHIOT!!
#4 - corporate america is a GAME - never fair.  You either play to stay or you get cut from the roster.....by any means necessary.  Have I WATCHED while those got played?  absolutely  Have i participated in the planning?  Couple times.  Office politics is like chess....with guns. 

so - did you bring it on yourself?  In a way.  You chose to be YOU and not play the game that clearly was expected - you didn't back down and you pushed the issue through visibility with HR.  That's the death knell move right there - seen it time and time again. 

And of COURSE I would get cut as soon as I'm not viable!!!  I expect no less!!!  EveryDAY I am here to prove my value, worth and ability!!!!  They brought ME in and laid my boss off cause the SVP could STAND her attitude - ain't have NUFFIN to do with if she could DO the job!!!!! 

I have NEVER EVER EVER been fired (knock on wood) and I've always left a company before massive layoffs - I see shiotballs WAY uphill - can spot a plan at 1000 yards....... and I play 'House Ninja' better than most.  I make DAYUM sho my boss is happy - shiot is covered and he has all the info he needs to look good for HIS boss.  And I play nice in my peer sandbox

I AM management...... job performance??  PLEASE!!!  any day of the week I can get 100 mofos to DO the jobs I have available - but who will I LIKE working with????  And my staff WELL knows - you do your shiot and keep mama happy - we cool.  **** up your job but still be personable and workable - let's work it out.  BUT - be on my nerves AND mess up - GOTTA GO. 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/6/09 5:54 am
Hold up now.  My immediate supervisors & I were all ace boon coon, I've been blessed that way. Even supervisors that I never been under loved me, even the supervisor that I was under at the time.  Never had any run ins or issues until the one heffa I didn't like got her promotion & then the director did a 180 on me.  So, once she turned Mr Hyde on my tail, I hightailed it to HR to SAVE my job. Otherwise i was a goner, I had allready seen that heffa get rid of mgmt on the sly as well as other co-workers, so she forced me to play my hand. Remember, she threatened me with losing my job each time & I didn't instigate any of that mess. I followed protocol & wasn't trying to do anything shady, ea*****ident that I was called to the mat for was addressed & cleared by each supervisor.  I played the game very well for a long time....FLMA anyone?, but after that last incident,  things had been good for 3 years with no further issues until the suspension & even then, I say the new mgmt didnt like me, just in the way they acted, nothing was ever said or noted, so the suspension & subsequent firing were a complete blindside.  Team player-yes, well liked-yes ( even my co-workers spoke for me when mgmt had their team meeting).  Performance reviews, almost stellar.  So, yes I was a victim of office politics, but that had nothing to do with my job performance.

But your initial post was everyone that gets fired deserves to be fired, with good reason....., but as I said that is not always the case.

Now I will say this what the enemy met for evil, God turnaround for my good.  My dad ended up having to have an emergancy valve replacement, which occured during my suspension.   My current job is a lot more laid back & I no longer have the long commute & I feel for my former co-workers cause they are going through hell.. irate phone calls constantly, bomb threats at the office & excessive pressure from corporate & an uncertain future. 

on 11/6/09 8:04 am
Ummm - I'll just let this one be, and agree to disagree peacefully.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/6/09 5:13 am - Orlando, FL
Dammmnnnnn!! I think that we all have to realize that if we don't step up our own A GAME, there is someone right around the corner who will. Believe me, in any job you have unless you were on the ground floor and opened it yourself, the doors will continue to open and close whether you are there or not. Sorry "Don't shoot the messenger, baby"
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