WLS Vets - How do you "work" your tool?
Piggy backing off the “I’m eating a donut" thread on the Main Board.
Over the years I’ve learned to manipulate my pouch. I’ve paid attention to how my body responded to certain things and used it to make things easier for me.
DISCLAIMER: This might not come across as being “proper" pouch behavior but it works for me.
Example: When I ate Arby’s curly fries for lunch I knew that they would make me terribly gassy and I didn’t want my office mate to suffer for the rest of the day. I PURPOSELY drank water while I ate because I wanted them to flush through my system quickly. By the time I drove back to my office building the bubble guts had already started. I made a quick trip to the restroom and the gas situation was averted.
Example: I know that drinking cold water fills me up fast. It’s like my pouch goes on lock down. If I drift up a couple of pounds I drink lots of icy cold water all day and it squelches my ability/desire to eat anything except the smallest portions of food. Next day I’m right back where I’m supposed to be.
For those of you who have been out for a while, what tricks have you used?
i ate chili for lunch - I know warm, soft foods will stretch it a bit - so the cake wouldn't fill me up too quick and I can eat almost a whole normal piece - I put the ice cream with it to help pack it in......

With alchohol - I eat something greasy so that I don't overabsorb in a small amount of time - that way I can keep going.....

and umm - mayo and ketchup help just about anything slide down.........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
I'm here taking notes for the holiday season 2010

Common vets, share your secrets with us newbies, lol.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Beer however, is a different story! If I go to Hooters and have a couple of wings, I can slowly sip a small glass of beer and not get too tipsy.
on 11/7/09 8:35 pm
Coffee or tea warms things up and is a good primer before eating anything. Or when I'm cracking down on myself cold water before eating forces me to eat less.
I don't have to worry about dumping but I am confused why I can eat ice cream like a champ, but cold water or ice in my drinks clamps my band down tight.