About Fort Hood..... *not a prayer post*
WHEN are we going to LEARN to listen when these Arab and Muslim folk are mad???? They say that dude had been complaining and demanding to be released from the Army for YEARS - that he'd had a poor performance review in the past AND had been treated for mental instability.
WHY ain't we learn these mofos ain't playin???? when he showed up in the full on Muslim outfit complete w/beenie hat at the dayum 7-11..... time to let homeboy get the flip out the army!!!!!! But noooooo - you make the fool stay AND let him near weapons!!!!!! I am suprised they didn't force him to take pilot training so he coulda hijacked a damn army plane to smash into someplace........
Flame me up all you want - but **** that - ANY mofo grumblin needs to be put on Defcon 1 priority watch and sequestered - no questions asked!!!!!!
Simple terror math equation:
Arab or Muslim + mad/pissed at the government = somebody shot in the azz or blown up
What say you????
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What's up, Trina.
What I thought was interesting was that this was a camp PSYCIATRIST who bugged out..
But, to go back to your point, I would go as far as to say any culture/religion + pissed off=people getting hurt.
For example, since President O has been elected, he has averaged, according to The Boston Globe in a recent article, about 30 death threats A DAY or 400 % more than any other POTUS.
We see a rise in race-related incidents (you don't have to go any further than the 'net; chock FULL of ppl with false courage).
I guess, IMO, a whole lot of ppl are pissed off about a whole lot of things from the economy, to the wars, you name it.
This cat at Fort Hood just happed to be an Arab-American, but it could have been a Militia man in Waco, or a Neo Nazi in Illinois, or a black man in Detroit.
Scary days ahead, is all I can say. I pray that isn't the case, though. yeah, I know, i'm "stating the obvious..." but sometimes ppl don't really see the obvious.
Okay (lol) i'm done.
"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Plutach. Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.
As most of you know I work at a VA Hospital, and I will say that we see A LOT of people with these kinds of thoughts that are missed. Sometime its just a comment, or a look and instead of people investigating they dismiss it. Yes he may have had issues or problem in the past, however who wouldnt. You are away from your family, and looking at going over to fight in a war that many people feel is "pointless". I work with mean and women everday that are just one step away from going "postal". So I dont blame all of this on him, I also blame the system that asks these people to go fight in these wars, but dont want to deal with the feelings that these people are having. They just want to give them a pill and say you will be fine..............no they need a lot more than that. Many of the people I see are young, and their lives are runined forever.
I think the GOVERNMENT is to blame for this................maybe now they will start paying attention, and get these men and women the help and support that they need.
The military should b held responsible for what has happened. Even these soldiers who come home from overseas b ready to snap some times. They see so much and go threw so much, then have to come home and adjust to their families again. My mom has been in the military 30 yrs and there has been so many of her friends that have died due to suicide after completing a tour. They only give them a week of out processing, thats not enough intervention for some one who is really going threw it.
Sa sad
*In my out of breathe hooping preacher voice*
"Father God in the name of Jesus, your the Lord of the earth, you are alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, you showed the stars where to shine and moon when to come out, ohh yes you did Lorddddd, your the father of shadrack, mishack, and a-bad-negro" ....lol
lol ok let me quit. Just messing with you MM.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/