OT - What's your pet peeve
1. People who take and take all the time (users) and expect you to drop everything and come to their aid. When your time of need comes they are nowhere to be found.
2. Raggedy shoes. Throw them out when they are falling apart.
3. Women with mustaches. It's not cute ladies especially when you are wearing makeup.
4. People who wear tank tops and look like they have Buckwheat in a headlock. Trim those pits... that includes men.
Aight Double_Ayy...
I'll post some pictures. My before picture is not cute at all. Since today is my surgery anniversary I'll make sure it happens for a limited time only.
2. Raggedy shoes. Throw them out when they are falling apart.
3. Women with mustaches. It's not cute ladies especially when you are wearing makeup.
4. People who wear tank tops and look like they have Buckwheat in a headlock. Trim those pits... that includes men.
Aight Double_Ayy...
I'll post some pictures. My before picture is not cute at all. Since today is my surgery anniversary I'll make sure it happens for a limited time only.

Crusty heels and wearing sandals or mules.
Shoes too small. I hate seeing toes about to bust out or hanging off the front or back of an open shoe.
Ashy skin... You shouldn't be looking like you've been kicking flour. People who have dry skin and scratch all the time and leave these flakes of skin everywhere. Use some industrial strength lotion.
People who don't use deodorant and think that natural funk is an aphrodisiac. I like a sweaty man but not a stinky man.
Shoes too small. I hate seeing toes about to bust out or hanging off the front or back of an open shoe.
Ashy skin... You shouldn't be looking like you've been kicking flour. People who have dry skin and scratch all the time and leave these flakes of skin everywhere. Use some industrial strength lotion.
People who don't use deodorant and think that natural funk is an aphrodisiac. I like a sweaty man but not a stinky man.