OT - What's your pet peeve
<--Milli picks up the mic and stands center stage
1) People who wear stockings with open-toed shoes. DUCKS have webbed feet...people don't!
2) Women who STILL think its cute to put on lip liner (and then they choose these ungodly colors like black, green, red) and NOT fill it in! STOP THIS! It is NOT attractive! That is sooo 1988.
3) Women who will shave off their eyebrows, and then try to pencil 'draw' them on...make up your mind..either you want the eyebrows, or you don't. Now because your hand isnt steady, you walkin round here lookin like you sayin 'Huh' all day with one eyebrow higher than the other one
4) Black people who can't get their finances together, but they blame everything on the man..meanwhile their rent is late, but they got them new Jordans though!
5) Women who change their statuses on Fbook to trash their deadbeat baby daddies..boo, stop the drama..you knew that ninja was like that when you were layin up with him! If you didnt learn from baby #1, then why n the HECK did you get pregnant ANOTHER THREE times???
6) It is 2009 people..STOP getting your cell phones cut off!
7) Men who have a 'situation' but think that you are dumb enuff to still talk to them or take them seriously. Umm boo...you have a child..and you are 'living' with your baby's mother..but yall aren't 'together' as you put it...hmm...yeah RIGHT! lol
8) People on OH who keep sending me all these questions about WLS but who know daggone well that they aren't serious about the procedure/process.
9) Women who feel that 'Well, I'm a single mother so...' should begin every excuse that they have, as if they are exempt from everything.
10) People who have no idea I have had WLS but make ignorant comments like 'Yeah, you know 'such and such' had THAT SURGERY. Its not worth all that' Mind you this ALWAYS comes from someone who is overweight. Tell ya what, you keep those extra 100+ pounds, alright?
11) People who try to throw you under the bus at work to cover their own tales...it will come back to get you!
12) Finally...I'm sorry yall..MJ was a great legend..but I am SOOO tired of hearing about him, the autopsy, the possible murder motive, his kids, Joe Jackson, Neverland Ranch..and everything else MJ-related..the man is gone yall!!
<---I'm out!
Surgery Weight - 344.4
Revision to DS 9/22/10
Surgery Weight - 231.0
Plastics 4/14/11
Surgery Weight - 211.0
Current Weight - 179.8
Goal Weight - 160.0
I am staring at Ambition, shaking hands with Success, and smiling at Determination - What are YOU doing? *smirk*

"They ON IT cause they WANT IT!"

HA! That's all I have to say about that
3) Women who will shave off their eyebrows, and then try to pencil 'draw' them on...make up your mind..either you want the eyebrows, or you don't. Now because your hand isn't steady, you walkin round here lookin like you sayin 'Huh' all day with one eyebrow higher than the other one
Or even worse the one who have the hair removed and then tattoo the eyebrows on...Come on people what is 6 dollars every week to get your eyebrows redone..Why would you want permanent eyebrows...and then the tattoo eyebrows start running..YUCK
4) Black people who can't get their finances together, but they blame everything on the man..meanwhile their rent is late, but they got them new Jordans though!
No reason you should be waiting for the first of the month sitting in your new Lambo outside..not cool..If you bills ain't paid...why you stressing about if your sneakers new... you gonna find your ass in the shelter decked out and homeless...
Vida Cambio
(Weight loss in progress)
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Highest Weight: 302 Started Researching WLS Weight : 275 Surgery Weight : 240
Current Weight : 175
GW : 164 Long term GW : 140

4) Black people who can't get their finances together, but they blame everything on the man..meanwhile their rent is late, but they got them new Jordans though!
What can I say...

5) Women who change their statuses on Fbook to trash their deadbeat baby daddies..boo, stop the drama..you knew that ninja was like that when you were layin up with him! If you didnt learn from baby #1, then why n the HECK did you get pregnant ANOTHER THREE times???

6) It is 2009 people..STOP getting your cell phones cut off!
Broke-azzedness. It's not only highly unnecessary. It's also contagious.
1 - Friends who had WLS too but ain't as far as you that **** block when you go out with them cause they hatin......
2 - Dudes that think just cause they speak, you supposed to be interested and when you're not, they ask why?
3 - Dudes in #2 who then get an attitude when you answer the why?
4 - Cashiers who need to look at the screen to know how much change you should get
5 - the mofos from #4 that don't know how to count out the change you get back properly. (i.e item costs $3.40, you hand them a $5, they say 'your change is $1.60, here you go. It SHOULD be, here's your change - $.60 is 4 and 1 is $5 - count UP!!!)
6 - chicks who think that because you're bi you MUST be attracted to them..... it's BI, not non-partisan...

7 - the lil girl who keeps harassing my lil girl at school - I REALLY want a chance to catch that lil trick in the bathroom and let her know to leave MY babygirl the heyl alone!!!! Knee in her back outta do it.....
8 - folk who try to tell other folk what they SHOULD do in accordance to the bible..... read on FB where someone talked about filing divorce papers and one NUMBNUT kept throwing in 'till death do you part' you owe the LORD to work it out no matter what...... GO TO HELL!!!!!
I got more.... but I need to do a lil work right now....... BE BACK LATER!!!!
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
People that only try to come to school to get a refund check.
People that wear sandals and have chipped toe nail polish.
People that will text you all the time, but never call.
Parents that will go out looking fly while toting kids that look a H.A.M ( hot ass mess)!
Co-workers that never want to contribute for potluck or events, but are the first ones to ask for a plate and then have the nerve to come back for seconds!