OT - What's your pet peeve

on 11/4/09 7:25 am
 guilty as charged of the CPT. but I am trying hard and getting better.. lol well I'm trying hard at least... ha ha


Faith *
on 11/4/09 7:43 pm
D'Alexis, I am so with you on the CPT!


My biggest pet peeve is>>>>>>for someone to make me late or for someone to arrive late for no apparent reason other than they did not properly plan ahead of time to make sure their arrival was at the agreed upon time.  

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

(deactivated member)
on 11/4/09 8:59 pm
I've often observed some of the reasons (i.e. excuses) people come up with for being late and I swear it all boils down to poor planning on their part.  They could know the exact date, time, and venue where something special is going to take place that they need to be a part of and they will wait until an hour before the thing starts to wash, do hair, press clothes, gas their vehicle up, try and figure out how to get where they knew the needed to be 3 months ago, and find a good parking space.

It drives me nuts just trying to imagine me living like that. 
Faith *
on 11/4/09 9:25 pm
 @ They could know the exact date, time, and venue where something special is going to take place that they need to be a part of and they will wait until an hour before the thing starts to wash, do hair, press clothes, gas their vehicle up

I want to pull my hair out too.   I am like why didn't you start earlier if you had to take care of all of that.
LuciousLA & Babylapband
on 11/4/09 12:06 am - Greenbelt, MD
Lap Band on 02/13/06 with
1.  People who come on BAF, asking for advice and get mad when you dont tell them what they want to hear.

on 11/4/09 12:10 am - Brooklyn, NY
Oh yeah, LaVerne..

I forgot that one.  definitately a pet peeve. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


HelpMeRhonda !!
on 11/4/09 12:10 am - J. R. Ewing, TX
1. People who tuck in their shirts or wear a belt to accentuate their stomach (men or women) who have big bellies.

2. People who snap pictures WITHOUT cleaning up the background. example.. Please make sure all the dirty laundry is out of the way and Pookie toys are not strewn across the floor.

3. People who say they don't eat everyones cooking BUT eat out all the time. (Do you REALLY know what go on the kitchen at the back of the restaurant.

4. People who always have to include what they have on every post... example.. I make xxx dollars a year. I was thinking about this the other day as I was driving down the street in my Mercedes. Unspoken dollars are ALWAYS the one with the $$$$$$.

Will add more as they come to mind.
on 11/4/09 12:15 am - Brooklyn, NY
2. People who snap pictures WITHOUT cleaning up the background. example.. Please make sure all the dirty laundry is out of the way and Pookie toys are not strewn across the floor.

Damn, Rhonda...you've seen my pictures again, haven't you?  lol. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 11/4/09 12:25 am - North Little Rock, AR
I hate to hear ppl eating...eww eww ewwwwwwwwwww!

I hate ppl who complain and dont try to solve.

I hate ppl who try to talk you out of something and havent did a lick of research to backup what they are saying...sooooo they look dumb as H&*^ to me lol,

lol good topic

on 11/4/09 12:58 am - Santa Maria, CA
1. People with bad breath!!! Go brush your nasty mouth!

2. People who dont take care their kids!!! Them baby's didnt ask to b here, hand your responsibilities

3. People who wear open toe shoes and have janky toes! EWWWW cover them bad boys up!

4. People who feel sorry for themselves! DONT WANNA HEAR IT

5. People who want to bring junk up from the past every time u get in an argument! SHUT UP and get over it.

6. People who know they got bills 2 pay, but go spend their pay check on buying new clothes, shoes and getting their hair done. Thats y your ass broke!

7. Men who get u all hot and end up being bad in bed. LAWD if can kill them!

8. People who let they kids have snot boogies all on they face.

9. People who live off the system.

10. Mothers who pop their breast out in front of folks to breast feed they kid. Aint no one trying to see your nipple that looks like it got stung by a bee, PUT IT AWAY!!!!

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