#1 MM has me thinking
Is this journey different for those who have been slimmer before and gained weight along the way due to pregnancy, marriage, life changes or whatever as opposed to someone who has always been bigger than most their entire lives...
I would think that it is different because being in my situation (171 size 10) I have NEVER felt this way before, This is all new to me...After about 7 years old I was aLWAYS bigger...In high school I was a 14/16 and in junior high school I was big as well (Prior to surgery I was a size 24 and the Ashley Stewart employees knew me personally as well as my favorite food places)...I was NEVER small so I am kind of amazaed at the changes. For someone who was small before I would think that they are happy about the changes but because they experienced it all before it would be different for them...Please correct me if I am wrong.

MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Mofos who have been small at SOME point know what it feels like - the changes aren't so crazy for them - and they have more of a sense of what they are working toward.......
I've ALWAYS been fat - so right now - I am the SMALLEST and FINEST I have EVER EVER EVER been...... EVER!!!! lol It's like getting a brand new car ---- a stick shift when you've only ever driven automatic. you know HOW to drive a car - but you gotta get used to how to 'work' the new one - ya dig????
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
The people that I know who've been obese since childhood and then had WLS have gone through some major changes. They have to change their perceptions and attitude about so many things...jobs, relationships, personal style/image. I really don't blame anyone for going buckwild after dropping the weight because they probably missed out on so many opportunities when they were young.
You gave me something to think about. Although I was overweight and then obese throughout my life I've always looked good, firm tight. I missed out on nothing in my personal life or career because of weight except bikinis. Now with everything so loose I can't see me the same way anymore. These baggy thighs and arms freak me out daily. I must remind myself its better than the alternative.
Here are my thoughts:
I guess I didn't think about this before responding to Mack's post but I guess I'm double sided. Right before I graduated from high school I was pushing 200 but thought it was ok...I'm 5'9". I am now 229 and trying my hardest to get under 200. Now to me I feel like the old me but to be perfectly honest I think my whole adult life I've been pretty heavy. So, on one hand I feel like ....I'm back but on the other hand as an adult..........I've never really been here before. Overall, I feel great and I've never felt so good about myself.
Grace mercy healing and peace