Do you ever 'forget' that you were fat?
The further you move away from your sugery date, the closer you 'walk' toward your weight and body goal - do you lose sight of where you came from? Does your 'mind's eye' create another self image for you and you have a hard time recalling what the old you felt and looked like?
I find that I cannot remember what I felt like over 4 years ago - the other day I was putting on jeans and grabbed a belt - twisted around to put it through the loop holes and realize that I can now turn around and see my OWN azz!!!! And it felt like the most natural thing to me......
I also get surprised by commentary from dudes - now that I'm on the dating scene, it's wierd to hear their opinion - I never really had a dude talk about my body when I was big, so it's strange - "Get your small, fine azz over here" - HUH?? Oh!!! Me???? or 'Girl, you are skinty' Oh, for real??? I actually PREFER to be referenced as 'thick'...... that's just sexy to me......
When I was big, though - I never looked in my head to myself like I looked in the mirror - if that makes sense - like in the Matrix - I 'painted' over the reality with what *I* felt like - which is what I look like now - so I can't really remember what it used to be like.......
Anybody else struggling with this???
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
Interesting question, but my answer is rather short, NOPE never forget I was fat! I still have "fat girl" mentality and I still DON'T see what others see. Yes, I love the compliments, shopping in regular stores, I love the way clothes look on me, BUT TO ME, I am still fat! But sometimes, I think if I keep that mentality, I won't blow up in my head!!! LOL
Do I forget? In my Katt Williams voice, "Not Never!" I still think of myself as thick. People twist their mouth up when I say that. Well compared to really skinny folk I am. I guess I am average size now....what is that?
""Whatever you feed will grow...feed your spirit man"
Just last week, I came to the realization that a little self acceptance is in order here. When am I going to accept that I've lost over 130 lbs? When will I come to terms with the comments/attention from men that I never received before? So, the mental work is in order and it is constant work.
I think that in a way, I am afraid to forget. I don't ever want to go back to what I was before.
I know EXACTLY what you mean by this. I was just looking a picture of myself at my sisters wedding 2 yrs ago (over 100+ pounds ago), and I looked like Humpty Dumpty in a black suit. Just terrible. And I can't believe that was me, and what's more scary, is that when that WAS me, I didn't see that person in the mirror. If I did, I would have stayed home never to see the light of day, LOL.
It's amazing how differently I view my bigger self now, then when I was still big.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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Girl this is too funny. This has happen to me on several occassion and I had your same expression. Yes for some reason I still see the fat person I know it's a mind thing but I do and it must be normal considering everyone else i feeling the same way. Even though we are getting the compliments it's just weird.