SunShades on while indoors
I say rock your sunglasses inside if it makes you look cool (fellas) or just adds to your Hotness Quota (ladies).
Don't wear them inside a store or at the mall if you're one or all of the following:
1. Black Ninja, you know why or just ask Security as they follow yo azz around.
2. Black and broke again, you know why, Ninja... See #1.
3. Boot, Dayum!, or Jet Black and got sunshine yellow (or Kool-Aid red) hair dye in your head.
4. Black and sporting a baseball cap. Any team. Your azz looks like you bout to rob the joint.
5. Black and looking like you might steal sumpin. Cause yo azz probably would.
6. You're a white guy that looks like a sucka with them on.
I have never wore sunglasses to a club and can't find the logic in that but to each his own. Also, if you buy quality sunglasses the contrast does not change when you go inside. So although I may be walking around with dark shades on, I can see just fine.
And in keeping it 100% -- I think sunshades are fly!
I wear my shades on my head for quickest access to them. Some think I'm doing it for stylish/cool reasons, but its really to protect my eyes. I sport them nearly all of the time, even inside, except at night.
I LOVE my shades!!

...... does that make it better???

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