OT - A rose by any other name...
Ayy yo,
I want to know do you prefer to be referred to, thought of, or addressed as an African-American, Black, Colored, or ? Why or how come that works for you?
To my brothas and sistas who just happened to be made up of two or more backgrounds or those of you out there who just happen to be parents of children who are made up of two or more nationalities, what do you prefer to be considered - African-American, Black, Colored, or ? Is there one heritage that you identify with moreso than another? Why or how come that works for you?
Holla atcha boy.
PS... I didn't answer this myself yet because I don't want to be accused of influencing the responses.

Disclaimer: These are MY personal opinions.
I personally do not care for the term colored...I colored with crayons in kindergarten and elementary school. I guess some people used to look at it (and some still do) that our skin is different shades of colors. I like food so let's see our skin tone ranges from...caramel, butterscotch, honey, light and dark chocolate, for #1 MM and Mrs. Rhonda butter or milli vanilla comes to mind....LOL. I think I may have met a couple of people in my lifetime who was pretty close to being black. The term African-American is to say that some where down the blood line someone in our family came from Africa to America. Once in America, we have been "mixed" with so many other ethnicities. One of my great-great grandfathers was white and the other great great grandfather was Cherokee Indian and black. I guess I am African-American-Caucasian-Indian...LOL, I am confused about what I need to be called. I guess I need to check "other" LOL. If you cut anyone no matter the skin color, we all bleed the same color of blood...RED. There's my spill Double_Ayy.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown