When do you cut them loose....

on 10/30/09 4:29 am - Mesa, AZ
Okay.  But I will say this, impatience can not be my guide.  I have to rely on the HS cuz I always smell blood in the water and will jet quicker than the speed of light.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/30/09 2:54 am - Mesa, AZ
p.s. Dwayne, what are those things that let you know, it's time to cut them loose?

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

LuciousLA & Babylapband
on 10/30/09 3:21 am - Greenbelt, MD
Lap Band on 02/13/06 with
On October 30, 2009 at 9:05 AM Pacific Time, Glamazon wrote:

Hey BAF family, 

I had coffee with some of my girls last night and we got into a discussion about dating and how it's changed.  Two of us are re-entering the dating world after long, long, long, long (have I said it enough) marriages and both of us are now in our 40's.  The discussion topic center around one question.....

When do you cut them loose? I am not talking about the obvious, outstanding physical, sexual or mental abuse.  That goes without saying.  I mean, the average run of the mill dating drama.  

The rules have changed.  Let me explain, when I was dating in my 20's, it was not the norm to do these "sports dates" on your first few dates...like going hiking (WTH)!!! Okay, maybe we would go for a walk or picnic or something and after a while maybe play racquetball, but on the first few dates to be climbing some freakin' mountain????  How 'bout no.  I'm a dinner, dancing, movies, kinda girl.  Not a lets go wrestle a bear in the woods kinda girl! So you get my point, things have changed out there!

I admit, I give people FAR less leeway way when it comes to certain things now then I did when I was in my 20's (thank God) BUT I don't want to become a cynical old shrew either soo... 

When do you cut them loose?  After a few missed calls i.e. didn't call you back when they said they would?  After being a little late for a few dates with out calling to let you know?  After catching them in a stupid little lie i.e. not really speaking some language they bragged about knowing?  When is it time and when is it past due?

When do you cut them loose? When YOUR spirit tells you to or when you no longer feeling them.  Cut and dry


on 10/30/09 3:36 am - Mesa, AZ

Okay, so for you it's not something specific, just when the vibe changes and you're over it.  Cool.  Thanks sweetie.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/30/09 3:45 am
WHEW CHILE!!!!!  I wish I had been born back in the day to KNOW what these 'good ole days' you keep referring to is LIKE!!!!

As far as I can tell - men who are on the 'scene' ain't really about chit!!!  Dime a dozen players, and the rest got one or two major defects......

Instead of hanging around - I have adopted a 'Cut and Run' policy - ZERO tolerance!!!  Abject or outright bullchit gets you 86'd!!!  I dealt with WAYYYY too much foolishness in my 20's - I have no patience whatsoever these days!!!!

If I ain't feeling you - gotta go.  If I feel like you ain't feeling me - gotta go.  If you feeling around like you wanna get something I don't want to give - gotta go.  If you ain't acting right to get what I DO want to give - gotta go.  If you don't mean what you say and say what you mean - gotta go.  Broken promises - gotta go.  Shady communication - gotta go.  Can't keep your word? - gotta go. 
BUT - before all else..... Don't pass the background check based off what you supplied as your basic info???  GOTTA FO DAYUM SHO GO!!!!!!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/30/09 4:09 am, edited 10/30/09 4:39 am - Mesa, AZ
T, see this is why I luvs me some you!  You just keep it straight girl.   That is my M.O. too.  I'm out with a quickness. But what I really don't want to do is blow off someone who is really a good person.   **** really does happen and I can be so quick on the trigger, I've shot someone down who was really worth getting to know. 

I too, have let far too many men get away with stupid drama in my 20's and I will not go there again.  But I am wiser, more spiritually mature and much happier as a person now which is a huge improvement from the girl I was.  Mostly, I am very careful and cautious now, where as before I would jump in with both feet.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/30/09 4:39 am
Lemme tell you bout that tigger - I call it my 'nicca hitta quitta'...... cause if I had minded it before, I wouldn't have stuck it out with the FOOLS of my past.... don't hate on that trigger, girl - cultivate, LOVE, NUTURE that trigger........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/30/09 4:44 am, edited 10/30/09 5:49 am - Mesa, AZ
I hear you and agree.  I am working on fine tuning my shooting skills.  Cuz if imma shoot you down, I'm gonna hit you dead center and take a fool out!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/30/09 4:49 am
  I am SO with you - check out my post on R&R........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/30/09 5:12 am - Mesa, AZ

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

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