Freebie Heads, it's time to post what you've recieved in the mail.
I must not be doing something right. I have only gotten a sample from Bariatric Eating it was a good one with about 5 samples in it) but (this is the greedy part lol) I haven't gotten anything else... I will keep trying or maybe I will start stalking ya'll mailboxes
waiting on ya'lls granola bars, goodies and what not. 
... ugh nevermind.

Don't give up. You ain't got someone who can bogart your mail box do you?? A few come in lightening speed (DHC sample) & others come by the way of "slow boat from China". Sometimes I get stuff 3-6 months after I ordered it & had completely forgotten about it. Girl you AIN"T far enough from me that I won't come & cut or fork ya if you get my stuff!! LOL. Believe me I will make THAT trip. me & my girls was in your area a few years ago for a big comedy show that was in downtown KC & we made the mistake of staying on the Kansas side & I got a bogus running a red light tix. Don't think that I didn't spend $250 to go down there (spent the night on the mo side this time) & fight in court, with a witness. Got it dropped from a moving violation to a parking tix. Like I told the cop & the asst da, if he had accused me of speeding, I wouldn't have been there, but if a light is green as I enter the intersection, then I didn't run a light & if I did run a light, the car next to me should've been pulled over as well because I was nose to tail with him, boy had the cop stuttering all over himself over that one!