Out of lurk mode and have a question
Yesterday I get this email from a co-worker of mine and she says what's up with you being G's (abbreviating names to protect the guilty) cheerleader lately? Now G is another co-workers husband. Now both of these women I consider friends of sorts. So I immediately call her and I was like what does that mean. She said it just seems like you have been taking his side lately in conversations. Just wanted to know if you wanted him or something. Are you trying to take M's man or something and then she laughs. Which I immediately say absolutely not. I also tell her how offended I am that she would even suggest such a thing. She says she was just kidding and I am overreacting. But I told her that there wasn't anything funny about it and she shouldn't even put such things out there. Fast forward to today. We have breakfast every morning but this morning they don't call me for breakfast. So what say you BAF? Should I have been offended and what do you make of this whole scenario.
And not to sound racist but these women are white. And the women in question's husband is 47. I am 32. What in the world would I want with a 47 year old married white man with 4 kids??? If I am going to take someones husband I wouldn't go that route.

you'll have to just chalk that up - never know what ole girl pumping into the lady's head about what SHE thinks YOU are out to do with her hubby......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

My guess...
The woman who sent you the e-mail wants G. She seems to care an awful lot about what you have to say about him. If you think about it, casting suspicion on you would serve two purposes for her. It would throw G's wife off track and also eliminate any potential competion from you. After she convinces G's wife that she's her best friend, it'll be easier for her to make a move on G.
Sending you an e-mail like that was definitely unprofessional. I'm glad you didn't respond to it and called her instead. I would definitely back away from that situation.