When you love someone....

on 10/27/09 3:07 am

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/27/09 3:08 am - Mesa, AZ
!!  Stop!!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

K N.
on 10/27/09 3:15 am
(deactivated member)
on 10/27/09 3:33 am
I tell and show my family I love them daily. We show each other we love each other by working together as a team.  I cook, clean, shop, teach and care for my family daily not because it is part of my responsibility as the mother and wife but because I love them so much.  I show my hubby love by doing the small things like pick up things I know he likes when I shop, placing important things where he can find them when he needs them and helping him do the yard work he promised I never have to do when we bought our house.  Every day is another opportunity for my family and I to learn about GOD who is LOVE.  Showing love is easy for me because I want to be loved so I lead by example.  
on 10/27/09 5:41 am - Mesa, AZ
Wow, a true Proverbs 31 woman!!!  That is really sweet.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/27/09 5:00 am - Brooklyn, NY

What da' hayle is that?????  Its an emotion made up by Hallmark to sell cards.  lol

Seriously,  I don't use the word unless I mean it.  And even there, there are different degrees of it as far as i'm concerned.  For example, the love I have for my mom and my daughter is, of course, different than the one for my friends, which is different from the one for THE ONE. 

When someone other than my family tells me that, my first question is "why?"   People tend to say the word "love" as easily as they do "sex" or "water" or any other word, without taking into consideration any consequences of that use.  I think, IMO, that there are those who use that word just because it is something they think a person wants to hear, so they can get what they want, whatever that is (sex, money, attention, whatever).   I also find that often when I do ask, "So, why do you love me?", and I hear the stock answer, "Because of the way you make me feel", its time to go.  Why?  That doesn't say what you may love about me, its may say more about one's own feelings at the time and that, frankly, ANYONE could satisfy those same feelings.

I'd rather go by one's actions...and they don't have to be grandiose.  They can be as subtle as a glance or a touch, or a "Just because" trinket;  something as simple as "How was ur day?" if you come in feeling like the world kicked your azz.  To me, its the actions.  Words are just sounds errupting from your mouths, traveling thru the air and hitting ur ears.  Nothing more. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 10/27/09 5:31 am - Santa Maria, CA
I tell the people in my life that I love them any chance that I get. Last night I set my alarm clock to 12 am so I can b the 1st person to wish my cousin a happy 30th bday, at the end out our conversation I told him "i love u cuzo"
I dont have a problem telling and showing some one that I love them, but I hate when people tell me to do it. I hate having to reassure some one "or a man" that i love them. Its like if u dont feel your loved, then there is a problem and the love that I show u obviously isn't enough. And quite honestly may never be. Loving some one shouldn't b hard, or draining.
And I agree with Pinkpassion. I dont like when a man tries hard or puts too much on the romance. Im a simple girl who like simple things. Like the guy Im dating now, he dont do the candle light dinners and rose peddle stuff. But... he always takes any opportunity to kiss me, or to touch me. When we are not together he calls or sends a text to tell me good morning or good night. He cleans and washes my car, he runs his hands across the small of my back and tells me to have a good day when he leaves for work and Im still in bed. He sings silly songs to me, and will randomly slow dance with me, and at night I feel him pull the blankets over me to make sure I stay warm. Its not all the mushy stuff, but to me its a simple natural romance that I love and appreciate.
on 10/27/09 5:52 am - Mesa, AZ

This is my point to Dwayne.  We all have a love language.  We respond to different things.  Loving someone is getting to know what they need to feel loved and doing that.  I like some mushy stuff and I like to keep it simple, but I need both words (genuine, heart felt words) and action.  I know a man is into me when he takes the time to get to know me.   I know he loves me by the time he invests in me, the thought and effort he makes in getting to know what I need, care about and want and the priority he places me in.  Most importantly, is a man who let me know how I need to love him and lets me into his heart and world. 

What a sweetie you have.  I'm happy for you.  Never miss a day to say it and show it.

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 10/27/09 5:59 am - Brooklyn, NY
maybe i'm getting cynical in my not-so-old age in that there ARE those who DO manipulate you by telling you stuff they THINK you want to hear.

One second, they love you madly, the next second you're out of sight out of mind. 

You never know if words are genuine or heartfelt because, lets face it, many are uses and will play on one's emotions especially IF they think that's what you want to hear. 

Actions are harder to do than words, and for the actions to mean something, there has to be consistency behind it. 

I think telling ur family you love them can be and is slightly different...usually you aren't manipulating their feelings to get something out of them...usually, I said, though it can happen. 

"When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."   Plutach.  Not true, for there are always more worlds to conquer.


on 10/27/09 6:28 am - Mesa, AZ
No argument here. There are those who will manipulate, cheat and lie, but there are those who are true and loving and caring too.  I truly believe in using wisdom and maturity when making these kinds of life decisions, but I also refuse to allow someone who hurt me, to take anymore time from me.  They got that moment but they won't take my future too.  So with cautiousness and wisdom, I proceed forward.  I won't allow myself to be hurt or used again,but I won't allow myself to miss out on the love and joy either. 

For me, I'm concentrating on what I'm giving and not on what I am receiving.  When you are willing to give, God brings it back to you. It may take some time and some faith and it may not come back in the form you think it will, but it does come back.  Sending you love...

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

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