When you love someone....
Does it show? Do you let them know in words and actions?
As for me, I take loving someone very seriously. I won't tell you that I love you unless I truly, wholeheartedly do. I say it in my words. I show it my actions. I admit, it takes a long time to get to know me and even longer (these days) to get close to me but, once you have my heart, you have all of me. I am intensely loyal and committed. I am protective, nurturing and passionate. I will spend the rest of my days showing you and telling you in every way, every day how much I love you.
How 'bout you? How do you show your love? Do your loved ones know you love them? How have you showed them and told them today?
Thanks sweetie. I was trying to send some love out and cut through the hate. I agree, when it's real, you know it. We all need to take a second to remember the people we love. We are not guaranteed anything and we should not miss an opportunity to tell those people we love just how much we love them. Glad I made you smile....
How do I show love? Well, today is my son's 10th birthday. Today I will show him love by fixing his favorite dinner. And then we'll sit in the living room and I'll let him pick a movie to watch. Then maybe we will look at the photo album of his baby pictures and I'll wonder how did 10 years pass so fast? I woke him up with a "I love you" and kiss. And I'll put him to bed with the same.
Love is an action. Words are much easier than actions.

Love is an action. Words are much easier than actions.
on 10/27/09 2:48 am
on 10/27/09 2:48 am
Cute post!
Im going to talk about my BF, because I always do.
We work diffrent shifts so we dont have to much time to spend with each other during the week. So he leaves post it notes around the house..telling me he loves me, or "goodbye love, have a beautiful day" on the door...or "your look sexy" on the mirror" I adore these notes!
For my family, I call my mom, dad and sis everyday....they are my rocks. I send each of them a cute little card every month too, just so they always know I am thinking of them..
Im going to talk about my BF, because I always do.
We work diffrent shifts so we dont have to much time to spend with each other during the week. So he leaves post it notes around the house..telling me he loves me, or "goodbye love, have a beautiful day" on the door...or "your look sexy" on the mirror" I adore these notes!
For my family, I call my mom, dad and sis everyday....they are my rocks. I send each of them a cute little card every month too, just so they always know I am thinking of them..