
OT: How do you handle 'House Ninja' moments?

on 10/26/09 12:40 am
For my working bros and sistas - how do yall handle these moments?  Now - we are probably the only of US in most of our work environments and invariably, either Massa or his 'kin' will jump outta pocket and say something crazy - leading to the 'House Ninja' moment.  It's the moment when you have to make a decision whether or not you going Rosewood on em or if you will surf through the situation and let them feel like it's alright.......

Case and point:  I was in a meeting w/my boss and his direct reports.  Me, a Hispanic male, a White male and my boss - who is a White male as well (like THAT woulda been hard to guess )

We were winding down the meeting - it was LONG as HEYL - and the White dude that's my peer commented on something he saw while driving around town (he recently moved here as did my boss) and said it reminded him of a place back where they moved from, but he didn't name the place.  My boss jumps in with 'Oh yea - the KKK hall off XX highway right?'  - my White co-worker damn near died -   and PROMPTLY when into 'what the HEYL are you talkin about man??!!!!'

  <------- me at the time on the inside, cause I knew I was in the midst of a 'House Ninja' moment.  It's when Massa so comfortable with you - he forgets you ain't family.......

Now - in my mind, there's two ways to handle this  - one  - straight to HR and the EEOC.  However - that'll get you 'labeled' in some places, regardless of a zero retaliation policy or whatever.  The other way - I did the lil laugh and giggle - with the straight eyeball look at the end  - meaning 'You know I got you on that ish, right?' Cause now - he knows *I* know that he knows he just tap danced on the line.  But I also know I ain't got no worries - he's that comfortable to say that ish, I got a J for a min.........

So what's your take?

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 10/26/09 12:55 am
Nope, I don't get those I guess I'm too dark for a temporary lapse......you on the other hand Bwahahahaa.  Mella yella got the man forgetting who ya is. .

Mack done slipped under enemy lines. lol

                                                              Honeymoon Challenge! 

on 10/26/09 12:57 am
  you SHO right!!!!!  Especially since I went with the red hair color and chopped it short - I'm 'blending' like a mofo!!!!!  I even started using some of his phrases.... like 'jerry rig'..... and you KNOW I am laying DEAD for the meeting when he slips and says what that ish really means!!!!! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 1:14 am

Ayy yo,

I've seen the "House Ninja" moment in full effect at my J-O-B and believe it or not it's not limited to light or dark skin either.  When I'm faced with it I usually remain quiet and let whoever's speaking play themselves out.  

The thing that I will not do is respond the way that I see some of my peers in the game respond, with that instantly affected effeminate voice and matching hand gestures.  Nah, Homie. Your boy Ayy don't get don't down liket that.


on 10/26/09 4:00 am - Somewhere, TX
I prefer the "Let em hang themselves" tactic. I just make notes of dates, time, attendance and events....just in case I really get fed up with working one day, lol.
on 10/26/09 4:12 am
I agree "let them hang themselves".
(deactivated member)
on 10/26/09 4:53 am
I'm pretty sure I told ya about the time our fairly new clinical manager made a comment right after election time about "them getting uppity now that Obama is in office", referring to me.  The thing is she tricked on herself and went to the Administrator and told of what happened since I just cut my eyes at her and walked out of a room full of people.  She knew she had put her foot in it, and my lack of reaction was enough to scare her I guess.

Weeks later I was offered a promotion and I refused to take it since I would have to work even more closely with her.  Thats when the Administartor brought the comment up and wanted to know why I didn't come to her myself.

I refuse to be a stereotypical neck rolling, hand on my hip, gum popping, attitude having Black chick.  They can't quite pin me down here at work and I like it like that.
on 10/26/09 5:31 am - Somewhere, TX
LOL, I am so critical of all nationalities they think I am a republican here and sometimes slip and say the wrong things.  Thats alright, my secondary retirement plan is coming along nicely.
on 10/26/09 8:28 am - Baltimore, MD
 Several years ago, our CEO detailed a story of a friend who was riding the train down from NYC and was sitting in close proximity to two Traders ( I work for an asset management house). The two traders spoke openly about the company, management, compensation, the executive committee, without as much as a glance as to who was around them. The person who overheard it, ran back and told his friend the CEO and they were able to nail down the two culprits based on description and recent travel plans. Those two traders were released. 

The CEO then came up with "No chalk on my shoes". The concept is to imagine a chalk line. You can walk up as close to the line as you wish but the moment you have chalk on your shoes is when you have crossed the line. So, that said, if anyone steps out of line or even close to the line, someone will always, ALWAYS chime in with "You're in danger of getting chalk on your shoes". I know, it's a silly little statement, but it works.
on 10/26/09 8:56 am
Well, I got one better for all of ya'll!!

I am the only one, besides the janitor here. Backstory: We had an incident in our small town a couple of years ago where 2 white girls, with both pregnant by & still messing with the same black guy, all 17 & younger & in high school.  Well the 2 girls meet up in the town square, get into an arguement & the other girl tries to run the pregnant girl down. 

Well, I get back from lunch one day & I'm overhearing bits & pieces of a conversation . but have no clue what they're talking about.  I hear things like "how it's a shame" 'can't believe what happened" "will it be manslaughter if the baby.."... then out of the blue & very loudly, i hear someone say " I can't blame Hitler for doing what he did......"  Out of about 8-9 of us, only myself & another white girl speak up & chastised her for ioditic remark.  I'm allready fuming at this point cause, I don't have a clue as to what they've been discussing, but there ain't a thing in this world that could make me condone Hitler & his actions. 

Oh about 5 minutes later, I get filled in on the scoop & find out they're discussing the hit & run.  Well, I know 2 of the 3 teenagers involved, not only that, the boy is the 1/2 brother of my lil cousin.  Boy, she really outta be glad that I am a Christian cause, it took God to keep me from lighting her up.  I waited till the HR person got back from lunch & demanded a face to face with her & that it be documented.   Told him I didn't want her fired, but I was going to address this thing!  Told her off in front of him (kept it proffessional ya'll) & said that if I ever heard anything that racist come out of her mouth again, that I would pursue it further & I let her know in no uncertain terms, that she still had a job because of me.   You know this idiot' feeble reasoning for her reference was that she didn't think anything was wrong with her statement, because she's catholic & he persecuted catholics as well.   I don't know if HR said anything to her, but she kept quiet for a LONG time.

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