test to testimony (mass update)

on 10/22/09 11:44 pm - Hot Springs, AR

Good Morning to all,

From every test comes a testimony and right now I’m in my test phase.

Yesterday I went to see another ENT for this mass issue. They will need to open my chest in the same manner as open heart surgery to remove the mass. He is the third doctor to say the original surgeons did not remove everything. They all believe that they nicked something and I started to bleed so they stopped and sewed me up. Now all they had to do was say we got in there ran into some problems and you need to have this checked at least once a year. There were four doctors involved in the original surgery, the surgeon, the assisting surgeon the endocrinologist, and my PCP, not one of them said anything to me. Now when I should be having my tummy tuck I am dealing with this. The doc I saw yesterday said he has been in medicine for 20+ years and has seen this about 10 times. The portion they left has continued to grow. He said when I wake up from surgery I will only be able to whisper but that should improve if not he can fix it. Now my concern there is I am a minister and a professional storyteller, I got to be able to speak above a whisper. His other concern is going back into an area someone else as already tampered with. I will probably lose the parathyroid glands as well and that means 6 calcium tablets a day for the rest of my life.  The doc says there maybe a few cancer cells but nothing to worry about there. This mass is in a shell and it doesn’t present like a cancer.  They also did a scope on my throat yesterday and my vocal chords and everything in that area is swollen.

After hearing all of this the doctor asked me if I was alright. My reply was, “God states he would never put more on me than I can handle, so I guess God must have a lot of faith in me."

The surgery will be done as soon as both doctors are available, the ENT and the thoracic surgeon.

I know God is able to keep me in perfect peace while I ride out this storm. When you guys visit the Lord in prayer please holla out my name a few times a day.  


Mama Peaches Diva on a Journey
I am somebody, I have a purpose, and I'm going somewhere
Just prazin the Lord wit my feet!

Running Man

Faith *
on 10/22/09 11:47 pm
Amen to God will keep you in perfect peace.  I will keep you in my prayers.

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

on 10/23/09 12:14 am
I'll say a prayer for you for peace and perfect health.

on 10/23/09 1:01 am - Milwaukee, WI

Praying for you now. Be Blessed!!

It is better to be motivated by the souls hunger rather than the egos greed.
on 10/23/09 2:00 am
    lifting you and your medical team up in prayer. 
on 10/23/09 2:52 am - Sunny Cali, CA
I hear ya...Mamapeaches05  will be praying for your complete healing...

Be blessed,
mrs. neenaj
on 10/23/09 5:18 am
You and your medical team are in my prayers.
Mine *****
on 10/23/09 10:19 pm
The question that I am asked most often:  
 Is that your hair??????
A Phenomenal Woman who doesn't have to Ego Trip to Still Rise:  Pretty women often wonder where my secret lies...I am a woman, phenomenally....that's me!!!!!
Phyll H
on 10/24/09 10:51 pm - Dayton, OH
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