Watch out for the Big Girls..
on 10/23/09 5:32 am
I absolutely hate songs or people that shout out big girl….
I’m always at the club, and when I hear the DJ say this one go out there to all the Beautiful Big Girls out there..I cringe…
I know how much I weigh..
I know exactly what I look like..……………..I look good…
I understand they are trying to show love, or whatever the case may be….but Damn it just gets under my skin soooooo bad….
The next time I hear, come hear girl, you look good, and especially for a big girl...I may just attack!!!!!!
I am 5’9 with curves, I’m going to be a “big girl" for the rest of my life…even when I’m skinny….I just don’t know how much longer I can hear “watch out for the big girls"
*done with my rant now*
"Watch out for the Big Girls!!"
Then all big girls around walk to the middle...I walk my ass straight to the back
I seriously don't like these songs... the shout outs or any of it
Its more embarrassing then anything else to me...I know you suppose to love your body and embrace your size...But no thanks I would wait until I am like 10 sizes down
Vida Cambio
(Weight loss in progress)
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Highest Weight: 302 Started Researching WLS Weight : 275 Surgery Weight : 240
Current Weight : 175
GW : 164 Long term GW : 140

Then you wont feel so bad!!! LOL
The best thing to do when they put on that song just ignore it, take a bathroom break or something. In addition to many other reasons thats why I dont go to hip-hop clubs, most of the music is garbage anyways.
B.I.G. GIRL = Beatuiful Intelligent Graceful Girl
Love & Blessings,
Micah P.
I myself, like those songs... to me they are so true... I love how people are quick to call me big, or even worse fat... Because I always think you don't want this big mad, I can be your worst enemy, and you really don't want that...
My high school English teacher used to say, when a big girls walks by a skinny girl loses her man... I have always agreed... Just my two cents for the day...
Although I like the songs, I don't go to the dance floor... I think I am just a sexy woman... whether that be big, small, or whatever... I am a woman first and foremost.
I feel you on that. I hated that sh*t so much.. and maybe because I was truly a heavy hitter pre-WLS. I was 364lbs. I felt like all eyes were on my ass when the DJ did that. Oh and dont let them play "Don't Wanna Bump No More With A Big Fat Woman". I would want to hide. I think its easier on some "big girls" those in a more normal "big girl"size range (if that makes sense) I was damn near a size 30 pre-WLS. I never felt like it was a damn shot out.. more like a shot down.
Since 2/12/08. I have went from 364 to 210. Thank You RNY!
No More PCOS, had my first baby 04.24.10!
My Life is wonderfully full because of my tool! (RNY)
I actually like songs like that. I guess they're a security blanket for me, I'm able to "mask" my insecurities, anxieties, sadnesses, etc surrounding my weight with a song. Plus, with all the songs, videos, posters, movies, and other media that glamorizes skinny, it feels good to have a song that about US. I mean, men have been loving us thick sisters behind the scenes for years... only now it is coming to the forefront and is the "in" thing to do. It's kinda like the Mo'Niqiue phenomenon. When Mo'Nique came out big girls had a reason to celebrate their weight. Her routines made us (well, most of us) wanna laugh, stand up, put our hand on our hip, two-step... instead of sitting in the background crying like we used to. Fat became "Fabulous", whether genuine or contrived, it made us feel good for the moment.