Just pissed off

Tha Pinkster T.
on 10/20/09 12:00 pm
Today, wasn't a good day and it was my fault because I didn't pray before I walked into work.
1. One male client stared me down, I inquired about his staring, he said that he likes girls I mean woman. I walked away and a police officer (I work in an alternative school) lunged after him behind me. I don't know what was his intentions of me.

2. Another male client slid across my desk and said some country **** from some new artist. He wouldn't sit still for my assessment.

3. A female client who I had 2 sessions with referred to me a ***** told me to **** off **** the teachers **** the staff **** the school no burn the school to hell. WTF?

4. I can't stand Chris Rock for makin that bull**** movie about hair. I had young white girls staring at me hairline today whispering. And, an Asian worker asked my supervisor whose battling cancer why does she have on a new wig today. WTF? No burn Chris Rock Dammit.

5. Okay, I feel better now. Laterz off to bed.

Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


Meso Thin
on 10/20/09 3:43 pm, edited 10/20/09 3:43 pm

You really had SOME day!!!!  ...... Sor-wee

I don't like the idea of Chris Rock's movie either,

Haven't seen it just don't like the premise.

Tomorrow is a new day .... hope it is a good one.
Meso Thin
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