8 month pics
Thanks Sue
girl my pet squirrel is currently sitting on my walk watching me
...I'm gonna ship his ass to you
I ended up with absolutely no crop from my garden thanks to him. grrrr.

girl my pet squirrel is currently sitting on my walk watching me

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On October 21, 2009 at 6:44 AM Pacific Time, Yess and Sleevie Wonder wrote:
Thanks Sue
girl my pet squirrel is currently sitting on my walk watching me

I bought some mums to set out front and the flowers started disappearing off them. One of my plants started out shaped like an afro and wound up looking like a mohawk.

I threw in the towel and started feeding them corn so they'd leave my flowers alone. Blackmailed by some danged squirrels...

They've also figured out how to get food out of the "squirrel proof" bird feeder.

Gurl I gave up on the bird feeder back in July..then when it got cold a few weeks ago I decided to fill the feeder again since the birds were about to fly south and I'll be doggoned if a bird didn't come down my chimney and INTO THE HOUSE

I am petrified of birds, so there I was running out on the porch in nothing but a long t-shirt. My mother's caregiver saw me and knew to come over with the broom because the day before I told her that I could hear flapping noises in the furnace so she knew what was happening. Needless to say, the feeder will be sold at next springs yard sale.

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Thank you sleeve sistah, you are doing great also

Join us here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_lightweights/
Thanks Sharon
. I am feeling GREAT and have 10 times the energy that I have had in the past 5 years. Getting the revision has been more of a blessing than I could've ever imagined.
Ps. I heard from Joyce recently. I will send your regards to her.

Ps. I heard from Joyce recently. I will send your regards to her.
Join us here: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_lightweights/