RE: Newbie !!

Hey sweetie, welcome to OH and BAF. Well, that is a big question. What are some things that you are concerned about? I have had tremendous issues with my insurance company so, if you have questions about that I may be able to help. But if you have questions regarding surgery, eating, weight loss or something specific to RNY, many of us have some wise words to help. So.....what's on your mind?
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for replying!! Right now I'm doing a 3 month program with Aetna, and everything is going according to plan with the insurance. (Crossing my fingers) Did you try any of the protein supplements before surgery, and what kind did you use, and did you have any hair loss?
Lots of Luv,
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. ~Maya Angelou~
Feel free to ask me any questions. My doctor's office representative, Tammy, was on point. She helped me tremendously. I had a problem with my primary care physician (PCP) not documenting my monthly visits in my chart. Before it was submitted to Aetna, I had to go back to my PCP to get her to amend my charts.
With the 3-month program Aetna requires you to go to a nutrientist, and a physical therepist. I go to the physical therepist every month and each month he gives me different exercises to do (treadmill, warm-ups, sit-ups, etc.), and ido them in his office with him, and ihave to do them 3-5 times a week at home. Each visit when igo back to see him, ihave to show him what he taught me in the previous session and then he adds new ones on top of that. The nutrientist is documenting everything for me and she is the one that will actually turn in everything along with the surgeons letter stating why ineed the surgery. Everything has been moving along quickly, and ican't wait for the new healthy
Lots of Luv,
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. ~Maya Angelou~

Lots of Luv,
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. ~Maya Angelou~

The best advice I can give you is to do thorough research and know what you're getting into. This surgery is life changing and you must be committed to staying on your program in order to lose the weight and keep it off. Don't test the waters by eating foods that are not on your nutritionist's plan. Different surgeons have different protocols. Make sure you do what YOUR surgeon says is right for YOU.